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sunshine on blurred palm leaves isolated on white background, natural tropical vegetation

See Our Terms Of Use Here DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, LLC Terms of Use Introduction Welcome to! By using our website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms of use (the “Terms”), which incorporate by reference our Privacy Policy, located at, and agree to be bound by the Terms. It is your obligation to review these Terms before using the Website. If you do not understand or have questions about the Terms, please stop all use of the Website and contact us at Any changes to these Terms will be effective immediately upon our posting them to the Website, unless otherwise stated. We reserve the right to change the contents of the Website at any time, with or without notice. These Terms apply only to the Website and do not apply to any websites, even those controlled by us, that are linked to the Website. For access to the terms of use or privacy policies of linked websites, you should refer to the policies of those websites. Purpose The Website is intended to be travel info and bookings. Definitions •“Drive Thru Costa Rica” means Drive Thru Costa Rica, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, who is the owner and operator of the Website. •“Website” means the website located at •“Content” means any and all material, existing or having existed on the Website in any fashion from any origin and in any form whether digital, electronic, posted, deleted, archived, embedded, or linked or contained in any subpage of the Website or existing as data, designs, text (on every page of the Website, whether editorial, navigational, or instructional), images, graphics (including all logos, buttons, and other graphical elements on the Website, including the color combinations and the page layout of the Website, with the exception of trademarks and intellectual property belonging to third parties), code or programming (includes both client-side code and server-side code (including compiled or interpreted code in any computer language, databases, etc.) used on the Website), and includes all material that we have provided on or as part of the Website or which any Users have submitted, posted, uploaded, or otherwise provided to the Website. •“Services” means any of the products or services provided by or through Drive Thru Costa Rica. •“User” means any person or entity, as the case may be, who accesses the Website. As a User, you are subject to these Terms and our Privacy Policy and agree to abide by all terms and conditions contained in these Terms. Usage and Access GENERAL USE OF THIS WEBSITE We hereby grant you a limited license to view and use the website solely for your Personal and business use and only as an aid to properly engaging with the Website as a User. You may use the Website only in a manner consistent with your bona fide Personal and business needs. The Website and any Services are not intended for the use of children under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 may not use or submit any information to the Website, and their guardians should not permit them to do so. Individuals older than 13 but under the age of 18 may access the Website only under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Terms and responsible for all of the User’s actions taken on the Website. These age restrictions are based on applicable law for the benefit of such children. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF THE WEBSITE Any unauthorized use by you or on your behalf, including as described in this section of these Terms, will automatically terminate the license granted by us, and you may not thereafter use the Website for any personal or business purpose. Except as provided in these Terms or by the Website itself, you may not: •use (or plan, encourage or help others to use) the Website for any purpose or in any manner that is prohibited by these Terms or by applicable law; •download (other than page caching), excerpt, summarize, copy, or create derivative works from any portion of the Website; •gather information from the Website from data mining, robots, spiders, or similar extraction tools; •interfere with the proper operation of the Website including by attacking, hacking into, or otherwise attempting to penetrate any non-publicly accessible elements of the Website or its servers or network, through the use of bots, Trojan horses, Viruses, DNS attacks, or any other technology that is designed or intended to interfere with the proper operation of the Website or the use of the Website by any User; •circumvent or attempt to circumvent any security or access control technology implemented on the Website or its associated servers and networks; •advertise or otherwise engage in any commercial endeavor, including any pyramid, network marketing, Ponzi, or similar scheme; •impersonate or misrepresent your connection to any other entity or person or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of the content; •disrupt the normal flow of communications or affect the ability of any User to use this Website; or •advocate illegal activity or an intention to commit an illegal act or violate any applicable local, state, national or international law. TERMINATION OF ACCESS Use of this Website is not a legal right. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Website for any reason or no reason at any time, in our sole discretion without considering the potential ramifications on you and your activities. Information You Provide If you choose to provide any personal information via this Website, the information will be used only for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy We may collect or share certain information based on your usage of the Website, as described in, and subject to, our Privacy Policy. To facilitate communications between you and us, this Website offers you the ability to contact us. Although we strive to protect and secure our online communications, and use the security measures detailed in our Privacy Policy to protect your information, you and we both acknowledge that no data transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure and that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. You agree to release us from (1) any liability to you for any unaccepted or unprocessed email instructions or requests and (2) from any loss or damage arising out of any unauthorized use by third parties of any information that you send by email. If you would like to transmit sensitive information to us, please contact us, without including the sensitive information, to arrange a more secure means of communication. Subject to the Privacy Policy, any information, materials, suggestions, ideas, or comments you send to us (each, a “Submission”) are deemed non-confidential. By sending us a Submission, you hereby grant, will grant, and agree to grant us an irrevocable and unrestricted worldwide license to use, modify, reproduce, adapt, transmit, sell, license and sub-license, create derivative works from, publicly display, perform, and distribute the Submission for any purpose whatsoever (commercial or otherwise), in any form, media, or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, alone or as part of other works, with no payment or other compensation to you. This grant includes the right to use the Submissions and any ideas, concepts, or know-how contained in the Submission for any purpose, including developing, manufacturing, distributing, or marketing products or services. Prohibited Information Please do not send us any confidential or proprietary information or trade secrets through the Website. They are not protected by any confidentiality agreement, and you do so at your own risk. Information you submit through the Website or otherwise may not contain: •commercial speech, such as links to other websites, solicit money or offer securities, or contain any chain letters, pyramid schemes, or spam; •the intellectual property of a third party, including trade secrets, except in accordance with applicable law (that is, fair use or appropriate permission) or infringe on such IP; •material that is false or misleading or impersonates another person, or misstates or misleads as to identity, gender, or age; •material that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, or otherwise unlawful; •viruses, worms, time bombs, Trojan horses, or other harmful or disruptive components or links to such items; or •any robot, spider, website search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, “data mine,” or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Website or its contents. Intellectual Property Rights Drive Thru Costa Rica owns all intellectual property rights relating to the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand and other content including: copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade dress, logo, patents and patentable subject matter, trade secrets, and data elements and other Content that has or provides the “look and feel” of the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand image, as well as our own Content, including the text, graphics, programming (including source and object code), photographs, video, and audio contained in the Website (the “Intellectual Property”). All other intellectual property not owned by Drive Thru Costa Rica is the property of its respective owner or licensee, as the case may be. We reserve all rights to all of our Intellectual Property. Your use of the Website does not grant you any rights or licenses relating to the Intellectual Property, except as expressly provided for in these Terms. You may not display, copy, modify, create derivative works of, sell, or distribute any of the Intellectual Property, or use it in any other way for public or commercial purposes except in accordance with these Terms and the intended purpose of the Website. Infringing Third-Party Intellectual Property We respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask you to do the same. We may, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, terminate or suspend use of the Website to Users who infringe the intellectual property rights of others. We will respond to claims of copyright and trademark infringement in accordance with applicable law. We will promptly process and investigate notices of alleged infringement by third parties and will take appropriate actions under applicable law, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(2). Reporting Infringement Only the intellectual property rights owner may report potentially infringing items through this reporting system. If you are not the intellectual property rights owner, you should contact the intellectual property rights owner, who can choose whether to use the procedures set forth in these Terms. If you believe that your work is the subject of copyright infringement or a trademark infringement, provide our copyright agent with the following information: 1.A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; 2.Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site; 3.Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material; 4.Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted; 5.A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and 6.A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Send the reporting information to our agent for notice of claims of copyright or trademark infringement as follows: 1.By email: 2.By mail: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Please note that for copyright infringements under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing is subject to liability for damages. Once a proper, bona fide notification of infringement is received by the designated agent, our policy is to: 1.Remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material; 2.Notify the User whose material has been removed or disabled; and 3.For repeat, flagrant, or bad-faith offenders, remove the allegedly infringing material from the Website and, in our discretion, terminate such User’s access to the Website and the Services. Responding to a Notice of Infringement If after receiving a notice of infringement, you may elect to send us a counter-notice. To be effective, the notice must be in writing, provided to our designated agent, and include substantially the following (please consult your own attorney or see 17 U.S.C. §512(g)(3) to confirm these requirements): A physical or electronic signature of the User; Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled; A statement under penalty of perjury that the User has a good-faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; and The User's name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the User consents to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if the user's address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which Drive Thru Costa Rica may be found, and that the user will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person. Send the notice to our agent for notice of claims of copyright or trademark infringement as follows: 1.By email: 2.By mail: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification is subject to liability for damages. Disclaimers and Limitations Your consent and agreement to the following disclaimers and limitations is a material inducement for us to permit you to access the Website or use the Services. Disclaimers THE WEBSITE AND ITS CONTENT, INCLUDING ALL PRODUCTS OR SERVICES FROM DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE CONTENT, FUNCTIONS, OR SERVICES CONTAINED IN OR ACCESSED THROUGH THE WEBSITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, ACCURATE, RELIABLE, OR ERROR-FREE. YOU, AND NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION IF THERE IS ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE WEBSITE, ITS CONTENT, OR ANY SERVICES. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE USE OF THE WEBSITE OR THE RESULTS OF ITS USE RELATED TO ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. THE WEBSITE MAY INCLUDE ERRORS (INCLUDING TECHNICAL OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS), AND WE MAY MAKE CHANGES TO THE WEBSITE AT ANY TIME, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. NEITHER DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA NOR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE DESIGN OR MAINTENANCE OF THE WEBSITE WILL BE HELD LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOSS, INJURY, OR MALFUNCTION ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR USE OF THIS WEBSITE OR THE SERVICES. Third Parties and Third-Party Websites The Website may contain links to other websites for your convenience and information. Links may be contained on pages, or in blog posts, emails from us, or newsletters we make available from time to time. Such links may be to advertisers, merchandise retailers, payment processors, content providers, social media or other companies who may use our logo or style as a result of a co-branding agreement. These websites may be operated by companies that are not affiliated with Drive Thru Costa Rica and may have different privacy policies and terms of use. Notwithstanding the presentation of, or links to, any third-party information or website on the Website, such presentation is not an endorsement, guarantee, representation, or warranty, either express or implied, by us on behalf of any third party. Drive Thru Costa Rica does not control the content that appears on these websites or their privacy practices. We hereby disclaim any liability or responsibility for the content, subject matter, or substance of any information accessed or obtained from third-party websites accessed from or via the Website. Accessing third-party websites from our Website is therefore done at your own risk. These Terms apply only to the Website and do not apply to any websites, even those controlled by us, that are linked to the Website. For access to the terms of use or privacy policies of linked websites, you should refer to the policies of those websites. Information Monitoring and Updates We attempt to ensure that information on the Website is complete, accurate, and current. Despite our efforts, the information on this Website may be inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date, and we make no representation to you about the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of any information on the Website, such as information about the nature or characteristics of any goods or services we provide, including pricing or terms of sale. We do not assume any obligation to review or monitor the Content or other information submitted to the Website by third parties. We may review some, none, or all of the information submitted to the Website. We reserve the right to remove, edit, or reject any information submitted to the Website for any reason or no reason. You assume the responsibility of verifying the accuracy of any posted information through your own independent investigation. We reserve the right to cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court orders requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone posting any messages or publishing or otherwise making available any materials that are believed to violate these Terms or applicable law. You consent to our disclosure, without your further consent or notice, of your IP address, username, name, IP location or other information as required by any subpoena issued to us by a court or from a law enforcement or government agency. We may challenge any such subpoena on legal grounds but are not required to do so. Viruses Drive Thru Costa Rica does not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the Internet and the myriad of risks it presents. We cannot and do not guarantee that the materials contained on this Website will be free of viruses, worms, or other code or related hazards that may have destructive properties (collectively, “Viruses”). It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient procedures, firewalls, checkpoints, and safeguards within your computer system to satisfy your particular requirements to protect against Viruses. Limitations of Liability IN NO EVENT WILL DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ITS AFFILIATES, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IF THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS ARE HELD INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE FOR ANY REASON, AND IF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS HELD RESPONSIBLE BY ANY COURT, THEN THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA TO YOU FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES WILL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA FOR SERVICES. Disputes Indemnification You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from any losses or liabilities including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of suit, arising out of any claims, actions, demands, liabilities, and settlements, including third-party claims and causes of action, arising out of or related to any one or more of the following: (1) your use of the Website or the Services; (2) information, including Submissions, that you submit, transmit, or otherwise make available via the Website; (3) your breach of these Terms; (4) your use of the intellectual property of a third party; (5) any investigations of or involving you or your conduct by Drive Thru Costa Rica, law enforcement, or governmental authorities; and (6) your violation of any applicable law. Release You, on behalf of your successors and assigns or heirs and personal representatives, as the case may be, hereby irrevocably and fully release Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, causes of action, arbitration, liabilities, obligations, damages, losses, penalties or fines known or unknown, arising out of or in connection with information or Submissions provided by third parties to, through, or in connection with the Website or Services. Dispute Resolution Governing Law. Wyoming law governs your use of the Website, the Services, and all disputes, claims, actions, suits, or other proceedings arising out of or related to the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy. Dispute Resolution. The parties shall first use good-faith efforts to attempt to resolve any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy by negotiation before bringing any action, other than an action for preliminary injunctive relief. Venue. Any mediation, dispute or court proceeding based on or arising out of the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy must be brought in the state or federal courts sitting in Wyoming. Jurisdiction. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica hereby irrevocably consent to the personal jurisdiction by such courts. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica represent that such courts are a convenient forum. Time period for bringing claims. Regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim under these Terms or Privacy Policy must be brought within one (1) year after the cause of action arises, or such claim will be forever barred and deemed released. Fees and costs. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding under these Terms will be entitled to recover legal fees and other costs reasonably incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which the party may be entitled. Additional Provisions 1.Entire Agreement. These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica governing the Website or Services and supersede any prior agreements or understandings, oral or written, between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica with respect to the Website or the Services. Each of us represents to the other that we are not relying on any representations or promises not set forth in these Terms or the Privacy Policy. You also may be subject to additional contractual terms that may apply if you use or purchase certain Services of Drive Thru Costa Rica and enter into a separate agreement. 2.Waiver. The failure of Drive Thru Costa Rica to enforce any right in these Terms or the Privacy Policy will not constitute a waiver of any right or provision. 3.Severability. If any provision of these Terms or Privacy Policy is found by a court to be unenforceable for any reason, it will not affect any other provision, and these Terms or Privacy Policy will be construed without regard to the unenforceable provision. 4.Local Laws. The materials on the Website may not be appropriate or available for use in your location. Persons who choose to access the Website do so on their own initiative and at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with local laws, rules, and regulations applicable to them. Drive Thru Costa Rica may limit the Website's availability, in whole or in part, to any person, geographic area, or jurisdiction. 5.Relationship. These Terms do not create any partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, agency, or franchisor-franchisee relationship between the parties. 6.Assignment. Drive Thru Costa Rica may assign these Terms or Privacy Policy and delegate any of its obligations. Updated: May 8, 2024 DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, LLC Terms of Use Introduction Welcome to! By using our website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms of use (the “Terms”), which incorporate by reference our Privacy Policy, located at, and agree to be bound by the Terms. It is your obligation to review these Terms before using the Website. If you do not understand or have questions about the Terms, please stop all use of the Website and contact us at Any changes to these Terms will be effective immediately upon our posting them to the Website, unless otherwise stated. We reserve the right to change the contents of the Website at any time, with or without notice. These Terms apply only to the Website and do not apply to any websites, even those controlled by us, that are linked to the Website. For access to the terms of use or privacy policies of linked websites, you should refer to the policies of those websites. Purpose The Website is intended to be travel info and bookings. Definitions •“Drive Thru Costa Rica” means Drive Thru Costa Rica, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, who is the owner and operator of the Website. •“Website” means the website located at •“Content” means any and all material, existing or having existed on the Website in any fashion from any origin and in any form whether digital, electronic, posted, deleted, archived, embedded, or linked or contained in any subpage of the Website or existing as data, designs, text (on every page of the Website, whether editorial, navigational, or instructional), images, graphics (including all logos, buttons, and other graphical elements on the Website, including the color combinations and the page layout of the Website, with the exception of trademarks and intellectual property belonging to third parties), code or programming (includes both client-side code and server-side code (including compiled or interpreted code in any computer language, databases, etc.) used on the Website), and includes all material that we have provided on or as part of the Website or which any Users have submitted, posted, uploaded, or otherwise provided to the Website. •“Services” means any of the products or services provided by or through Drive Thru Costa Rica. •“User” means any person or entity, as the case may be, who accesses the Website. As a User, you are subject to these Terms and our Privacy Policy and agree to abide by all terms and conditions contained in these Terms. Usage and Access GENERAL USE OF THIS WEBSITE We hereby grant you a limited license to view and use the website solely for your Personal and business use and only as an aid to properly engaging with the Website as a User. You may use the Website only in a manner consistent with your bona fide Personal and business needs. The Website and any Services are not intended for the use of children under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 may not use or submit any information to the Website, and their guardians should not permit them to do so. Individuals older than 13 but under the age of 18 may access the Website only under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Terms and responsible for all of the User’s actions taken on the Website. These age restrictions are based on applicable law for the benefit of such children. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF THE WEBSITE Any unauthorized use by you or on your behalf, including as described in this section of these Terms, will automatically terminate the license granted by us, and you may not thereafter use the Website for any personal or business purpose. Except as provided in these Terms or by the Website itself, you may not: •use (or plan, encourage or help others to use) the Website for any purpose or in any manner that is prohibited by these Terms or by applicable law; •download (other than page caching), excerpt, summarize, copy, or create derivative works from any portion of the Website; •gather information from the Website from data mining, robots, spiders, or similar extraction tools; •interfere with the proper operation of the Website including by attacking, hacking into, or otherwise attempting to penetrate any non-publicly accessible elements of the Website or its servers or network, through the use of bots, Trojan horses, Viruses, DNS attacks, or any other technology that is designed or intended to interfere with the proper operation of the Website or the use of the Website by any User; •circumvent or attempt to circumvent any security or access control technology implemented on the Website or its associated servers and networks; •advertise or otherwise engage in any commercial endeavor, including any pyramid, network marketing, Ponzi, or similar scheme; •impersonate or misrepresent your connection to any other entity or person or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of the content; •disrupt the normal flow of communications or affect the ability of any User to use this Website; or •advocate illegal activity or an intention to commit an illegal act or violate any applicable local, state, national or international law. TERMINATION OF ACCESS Use of this Website is not a legal right. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Website for any reason or no reason at any time, in our sole discretion without considering the potential ramifications on you and your activities. Information You Provide If you choose to provide any personal information via this Website, the information will be used only for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy We may collect or share certain information based on your usage of the Website, as described in, and subject to, our Privacy Policy. To facilitate communications between you and us, this Website offers you the ability to contact us. Although we strive to protect and secure our online communications, and use the security measures detailed in our Privacy Policy to protect your information, you and we both acknowledge that no data transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure and that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. You agree to release us from (1) any liability to you for any unaccepted or unprocessed email instructions or requests and (2) from any loss or damage arising out of any unauthorized use by third parties of any information that you send by email. If you would like to transmit sensitive information to us, please contact us, without including the sensitive information, to arrange a more secure means of communication. Subject to the Privacy Policy, any information, materials, suggestions, ideas, or comments you send to us (each, a “Submission”) are deemed non-confidential. By sending us a Submission, you hereby grant, will grant, and agree to grant us an irrevocable and unrestricted worldwide license to use, modify, reproduce, adapt, transmit, sell, license and sub-license, create derivative works from, publicly display, perform, and distribute the Submission for any purpose whatsoever (commercial or otherwise), in any form, media, or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, alone or as part of other works, with no payment or other compensation to you. This grant includes the right to use the Submissions and any ideas, concepts, or know-how contained in the Submission for any purpose, including developing, manufacturing, distributing, or marketing products or services. Prohibited Information Please do not send us any confidential or proprietary information or trade secrets through the Website. They are not protected by any confidentiality agreement, and you do so at your own risk. Information you submit through the Website or otherwise may not contain: •commercial speech, such as links to other websites, solicit money or offer securities, or contain any chain letters, pyramid schemes, or spam; •the intellectual property of a third party, including trade secrets, except in accordance with applicable law (that is, fair use or appropriate permission) or infringe on such IP; •material that is false or misleading or impersonates another person, or misstates or misleads as to identity, gender, or age; •material that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, or otherwise unlawful; •viruses, worms, time bombs, Trojan horses, or other harmful or disruptive components or links to such items; or •any robot, spider, website search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, “data mine,” or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Website or its contents. Intellectual Property Rights Drive Thru Costa Rica owns all intellectual property rights relating to the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand and other content including: copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade dress, logo, patents and patentable subject matter, trade secrets, and data elements and other Content that has or provides the “look and feel” of the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand image, as well as our own Content, including the text, graphics, programming (including source and object code), photographs, video, and audio contained in the Website (the “Intellectual Property”). All other intellectual property not owned by Drive Thru Costa Rica is the property of its respective owner or licensee, as the case may be. We reserve all rights to all of our Intellectual Property. Your use of the Website does not grant you any rights or licenses relating to the Intellectual Property, except as expressly provided for in these Terms. You may not display, copy, modify, create derivative works of, sell, or distribute any of the Intellectual Property, or use it in any other way for public or commercial purposes except in accordance with these Terms and the intended purpose of the Website. Infringing Third-Party Intellectual Property We respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask you to do the same. We may, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, terminate or suspend use of the Website to Users who infringe the intellectual property rights of others. We will respond to claims of copyright and trademark infringement in accordance with applicable law. We will promptly process and investigate notices of alleged infringement by third parties and will take appropriate actions under applicable law, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(2). Reporting Infringement Only the intellectual property rights owner may report potentially infringing items through this reporting system. If you are not the intellectual property rights owner, you should contact the intellectual property rights owner, who can choose whether to use the procedures set forth in these Terms. If you believe that your work is the subject of copyright infringement or a trademark infringement, provide our copyright agent with the following information: 1.A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; 2.Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site; 3.Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material; 4.Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted; 5.A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and 6.A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Send the reporting information to our agent for notice of claims of copyright or trademark infringement as follows: 1.By email: 2.By mail: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Please note that for copyright infringements under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing is subject to liability for damages. Once a proper, bona fide notification of infringement is received by the designated agent, our policy is to: 1.Remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material; 2.Notify the User whose material has been removed or disabled; and 3.For repeat, flagrant, or bad-faith offenders, remove the allegedly infringing material from the Website and, in our discretion, terminate such User’s access to the Website and the Services. Responding to a Notice of Infringement If after receiving a notice of infringement, you may elect to send us a counter-notice. To be effective, the notice must be in writing, provided to our designated agent, and include substantially the following (please consult your own attorney or see 17 U.S.C. §512(g)(3) to confirm these requirements): A physical or electronic signature of the User; Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled; A statement under penalty of perjury that the User has a good-faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; and The User's name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the User consents to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if the user's address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which Drive Thru Costa Rica may be found, and that the user will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person. Send the notice to our agent for notice of claims of copyright or trademark infringement as follows: 1.By email: 2.By mail: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification is subject to liability for damages. Disclaimers and Limitations Your consent and agreement to the following disclaimers and limitations is a material inducement for us to permit you to access the Website or use the Services. Disclaimers THE WEBSITE AND ITS CONTENT, INCLUDING ALL PRODUCTS OR SERVICES FROM DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE CONTENT, FUNCTIONS, OR SERVICES CONTAINED IN OR ACCESSED THROUGH THE WEBSITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, ACCURATE, RELIABLE, OR ERROR-FREE. YOU, AND NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION IF THERE IS ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE WEBSITE, ITS CONTENT, OR ANY SERVICES. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE USE OF THE WEBSITE OR THE RESULTS OF ITS USE RELATED TO ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. THE WEBSITE MAY INCLUDE ERRORS (INCLUDING TECHNICAL OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS), AND WE MAY MAKE CHANGES TO THE WEBSITE AT ANY TIME, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. NEITHER DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA NOR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE DESIGN OR MAINTENANCE OF THE WEBSITE WILL BE HELD LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOSS, INJURY, OR MALFUNCTION ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR USE OF THIS WEBSITE OR THE SERVICES. Third Parties and Third-Party Websites The Website may contain links to other websites for your convenience and information. Links may be contained on pages, or in blog posts, emails from us, or newsletters we make available from time to time. Such links may be to advertisers, merchandise retailers, payment processors, content providers, social media or other companies who may use our logo or style as a result of a co-branding agreement. These websites may be operated by companies that are not affiliated with Drive Thru Costa Rica and may have different privacy policies and terms of use. Notwithstanding the presentation of, or links to, any third-party information or website on the Website, such presentation is not an endorsement, guarantee, representation, or warranty, either express or implied, by us on behalf of any third party. Drive Thru Costa Rica does not control the content that appears on these websites or their privacy practices. We hereby disclaim any liability or responsibility for the content, subject matter, or substance of any information accessed or obtained from third-party websites accessed from or via the Website. Accessing third-party websites from our Website is therefore done at your own risk. These Terms apply only to the Website and do not apply to any websites, even those controlled by us, that are linked to the Website. For access to the terms of use or privacy policies of linked websites, you should refer to the policies of those websites. Information Monitoring and Updates We attempt to ensure that information on the Website is complete, accurate, and current. Despite our efforts, the information on this Website may be inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date, and we make no representation to you about the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of any information on the Website, such as information about the nature or characteristics of any goods or services we provide, including pricing or terms of sale. We do not assume any obligation to review or monitor the Content or other information submitted to the Website by third parties. We may review some, none, or all of the information submitted to the Website. We reserve the right to remove, edit, or reject any information submitted to the Website for any reason or no reason. You assume the responsibility of verifying the accuracy of any posted information through your own independent investigation. We reserve the right to cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court orders requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone posting any messages or publishing or otherwise making available any materials that are believed to violate these Terms or applicable law. You consent to our disclosure, without your further consent or notice, of your IP address, username, name, IP location or other information as required by any subpoena issued to us by a court or from a law enforcement or government agency. We may challenge any such subpoena on legal grounds but are not required to do so. Viruses Drive Thru Costa Rica does not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the Internet and the myriad of risks it presents. We cannot and do not guarantee that the materials contained on this Website will be free of viruses, worms, or other code or related hazards that may have destructive properties (collectively, “Viruses”). It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient procedures, firewalls, checkpoints, and safeguards within your computer system to satisfy your particular requirements to protect against Viruses. Limitations of Liability IN NO EVENT WILL DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ITS AFFILIATES, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IF THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS ARE HELD INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE FOR ANY REASON, AND IF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS HELD RESPONSIBLE BY ANY COURT, THEN THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA TO YOU FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES WILL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA FOR SERVICES. Disputes Indemnification You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from any losses or liabilities including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of suit, arising out of any claims, actions, demands, liabilities, and settlements, including third-party claims and causes of action, arising out of or related to any one or more of the following: (1) your use of the Website or the Services; (2) information, including Submissions, that you submit, transmit, or otherwise make available via the Website; (3) your breach of these Terms; (4) your use of the intellectual property of a third party; (5) any investigations of or involving you or your conduct by Drive Thru Costa Rica, law enforcement, or governmental authorities; and (6) your violation of any applicable law. Release You, on behalf of your successors and assigns or heirs and personal representatives, as the case may be, hereby irrevocably and fully release Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, causes of action, arbitration, liabilities, obligations, damages, losses, penalties or fines known or unknown, arising out of or in connection with information or Submissions provided by third parties to, through, or in connection with the Website or Services. Dispute Resolution Governing Law. Wyoming law governs your use of the Website, the Services, and all disputes, claims, actions, suits, or other proceedings arising out of or related to the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy. Dispute Resolution. The parties shall first use good-faith efforts to attempt to resolve any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy by negotiation before bringing any action, other than an action for preliminary injunctive relief. Venue. Any mediation, dispute or court proceeding based on or arising out of the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy must be brought in the state or federal courts sitting in Wyoming. Jurisdiction. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica hereby irrevocably consent to the personal jurisdiction by such courts. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica represent that such courts are a convenient forum. Time period for bringing claims. Regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim under these Terms or Privacy Policy must be brought within one (1) year after the cause of action arises, or such claim will be forever barred and deemed released. Fees and costs. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding under these Terms will be entitled to recover legal fees and other costs reasonably incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which the party may be entitled. Additional Provisions 1.Entire Agreement. These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica governing the Website or Services and supersede any prior agreements or understandings, oral or written, between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica with respect to the Website or the Services. Each of us represents to the other that we are not relying on any representations or promises not set forth in these Terms or the Privacy Policy. You also may be subject to additional contractual terms that may apply if you use or purchase certain Services of Drive Thru Costa Rica and enter into a separate agreement. 2.Waiver. The failure of Drive Thru Costa Rica to enforce any right in these Terms or the Privacy Policy will not constitute a waiver of any right or provision. 3.Severability. If any provision of these Terms or Privacy Policy is found by a court to be unenforceable for any reason, it will not affect any other provision, and these Terms or Privacy Policy will be construed without regard to the unenforceable provision. 4.Local Laws. The materials on the Website may not be appropriate or available for use in your location. Persons who choose to access the Website do so on their own initiative and at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with local laws, rules, and regulations applicable to them. Drive Thru Costa Rica may limit the Website's availability, in whole or in part, to any person, geographic area, or jurisdiction. 5.Relationship. These Terms do not create any partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, agency, or franchisor-franchisee relationship between the parties. 6.Assignment. Drive Thru Costa Rica may assign these Terms or Privacy Policy and delegate any of its obligations. Updated: May 8, 2024

See Our Privacy Policy Here Drive Thru Costa Rica, LLC Privacy Policy Introduction Purpose At Drive Thru Costa Rica (, we value your privacy. To put that into practice, we take reasonable steps toward protecting your privacy and managing your information. This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect, where it comes from, how it’s used, and how it is stored. This Privacy Policy also includes information to help you understand how the choices you have can change the collection and usage of certain information and how you can contact us with questions or concerns. By using this Website, contacting us, or providing any personal information, you signify your consent to this Privacy Policy, agree to comply with its terms, and consent to our collection and usage of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy, in all cases subject to applicable law. Scope This Privacy Policy at applies only to our website at (the “Website”) and to visitors and users of our Website. It does not apply to any information we collect through channels, online or offline, other than this Website, such as phone, email, or mail operations concerning our operations, products, or services, as well as non-Website marketing contacts with you. For your convenience, this Website may contain links to other websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any third-party website or service, and you should review the privacy policies of those sites before using them because other websites may not treat information collected online in the same manner as we do. Those privacy policies may include information about how to view, edit, download, or remove information or how to opt-out of certain practices. We are not responsible for the privacy practices, advertising, products, or content of those websites. Updates and Changes If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page at If you are concerned about how your personal information is used, please visit our Website often for this and other important announcements and updates. Problems/Questions If you have questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, you may contact us at What Information We Collect This section includes a general description of the type of information we may collect about you. Those who wish to communicate with us but do not wish to provide personally identifiable information through the Website may contact us through the address or phone numbers provided on our Website, or through our online chat function. Information you provide to us We collect some information that you provide directly to us through this Website. We collect contact information you provide, including: •Name •Address •Phone Numbers •Email Address •Employer or Company Name •Job Title •Other contact information We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We collect financial information you provide, including: •Credit/Debit Card Information •Bank Account Information •Company EIN or Personal SSN •Payment company We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We collect other information you provide, including: •Contact information for third parties •Information about the User's organization or contacts •Content of feedback, support, reviews •Phone, chats, or emails •Posts by Users We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We collect other information that may identify you that you provide, including: •Usernames •Roles •Social media profiles •Date of birth •Picture or video of user •Other authentication or identification data •Other identifying information We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We collect information about your usage of the Website that you provide, including: •Contact preferences •Location •Other usage information We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We do not seek to or intentionally collect sensitive information that you provide directly to us. Information we collect about you Even if you do not submit personal information through the Website, we gather navigational information about where visitors go on the Website and information about the technical efficiencies of our Website and services (such as time to connect to the Website or time to download pages). This information allows us to see which areas of our Website are most visited and helps us better understand the user experience. This data helps us improve the quality of the Website by recognizing and delivering more of the features, areas, and services our visitors prefer. In this process of gathering information, we may collect personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information (such as domain type, browser type and version, service provider and IP address, referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and click-stream data). We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We may also create and use electronic records to compile statistics about how our visitors collectively interact with our Website by collecting, aggregating, and using information from or about you such as data about the type of browser and operating system used, which web pages you view, the time and duration or your visits to our Website, the search queries you use on this Website, whether you clicked on any items or links on the Website, whether you have clicked on any links in any emails sent from us or third parties on our behalf, whether you have chosen to opt-out of certain services or information sharing, and whether you have viewed or ordered certain products or services, to improve our products and services. We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. We may obtain information about you from outside sources. For example, we may obtain commercially available information about you from third parties, such as credit information to prevent fraud, or purchase email lists from third parties for advertising and marketing purposes. We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. If you access the Website using a device, we may collect the following device data: •Device Type •Operating System •Unique device identifiers •Device settings •Geo-location data •IP addresses •Browser type •Browser ID •Clickstream data •User workflow progress •Other (text field) We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. Cookies The Website uses a common browser feature known as a cookie, which assigns a unique identification to your computer browser and session. Cookies are typically stored on your computer’s hard drive and are used to help maintain an expected user experience by tracking clicks as you go through the pages within our Website and informing the Website that each of your clicks comes from you individually when needed. We may also use cookies to tell us whether you have previously visited the Website. We may also use cookies that can be set by third parties with whom we have entered into agreements that may enable us to obtain analytic information about the use of our Website. These third-party providers may also place cookies onto your computer. Those third-party cookies may enable us to obtain aggregate demographic information and user statistics about you and your preferences from these third-party sources as well as other information we have about you. We collect this information with your consent in many cases, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We may use any of these kinds of cookies: •Essential cookies - used for logins and account management •Performance cookies - used for analytics, including visitor tracking •Functionality cookies - used for preferences (time zone and language) and enhanced content •Targeting/advertising cookies - used by content partners or banner networks You can choose to disable cookies through your individual browser options. There are browser settings that will set it not to accept cookies or to notify you if a cookie is sent so you can decide to accept it. There are other browser settings to remove cookies previously set. To know more detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers, it can be found at the browsers' respective websites. Features on the Website may not work correctly if you disable all cookies. Web Beacons You use web beacons, pixel tags, or clear GIFs to help track and understand user behavior. We also may use different kinds of web beacons (sometimes called pixel tags or clear GIFs) or similar technologies on our Website or in our emails to you. These small files, usually invisible to you, are loaded when you interact with a web page or open an email. We use these files to analyze user behavior and the performance of our web pages and email communications. Some of these web beacons are set up for us by third parties who collect and analyze this information on our behalf. Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of visitor data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. Surveys and promotions When we conduct surveys or other promotions, we often request information from users. Users can decide whether or not to participate in any of these activities and to disclose or not disclose any requested information accordingly. We may ask for information to help us understand you as a user, such as contact information, and all of our users, such as demographic information. We use this information to provide better services and options to you and to all our users. We also use the information you provide to run our surveys and promotions. The information we collect may be used in additional ways, such as being shared with the sponsors or administrators of the survey or promotion. We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. Widgets A widget is a small application that is embedded in a webpage. Widgets are usually dynamic, not static: they can provide information updates to a webpage, or users can interact with them. Appointment calendars and chat tools are common examples of widgets. Most widgets come from third party companies that provide those services to us. The widgets may share data with their provider as well as with us. We collect this information with your consent and in service of our legitimate business interests. We may use Drift, which is a chat tool that operates on our Website. Drift also provides analytics that help us to operate and improve the Website and our business. Drift’s services are governed by Drift’s terms of use, and its privacy policy, We may use Intercom, which is a chat tool that operates on our Website. Intercom also provides analytics that help us to operate and improve the Website and our business. Intercom's services are governed by Intercom's terms of use,, and its privacy policy, Google ads, analytics, and other services Google provides several different technologies to our Website in the course of serving our users. These services may include the use of cookies, which we've described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy. You may want to review the Google privacy and terms page on Advertising ( to determine what options you may have to control collection and usage of your information. Similarly, Google Analytics uses cookies and device identifiers in the course of providing its analytics. This, and other analytics software, tracks website usage (pages, forms, and files) and traffic (referring page, pages visited, and exit page) to help us understand how users use the Website. You may want to review the details on how Google Analytics collects and processes data at "How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps" ( We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. We use analytics software to track website usage (pages, forms, and files) and traffic (referring page, pages visited, and exit page) to help us understand how users use the Website. We use the following analytics tools: •Clicky •Crazy Egg •Kissmetrics •Mixpanel •Open Web Analytics •Statcounter Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. We use Mixpanel to track website usage (pages, forms, and files) and traffic (referring page, pages visited, and exit page) to help us understand how users use the Website. Mixpanel stores usage information and some personal data. Mixpanel's services are governed by Mixpanel's terms of use ( and its privacy policy ( You can opt-out of Mixpanel by following their posted instructions ( We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. We use the following third-party advertising services: •Facebook Pixel •Hubspot •Pardot •Marketo •TikTok Pixel •Snapchat Pixel •Taboola Pixel •Twitter Pixel •LinkedIn Pixel •Outbrain Pixel Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. Some of the advertisers on our site may use cookies and web beacons, as described above. We use the following display advertising companies: •Google AdSense •Bing Ads •AdColony •AppLovin •Facebook Ads Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. We use the following email service providers: •MailChimp •TinyLetter •Aweber •MailerLite •SendFox •Campaign Monitor •Salesforce •Pardot •HubSpot •GoDaddy •Postmark Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. We use the following technologies: •Geo-location of IP addresses •Google Maps API Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. We use the following payment services companies: •Paypal •Square •Stripe Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We use Stripe to process payments made via this website. We share information with Stripe as needed to process those payments. Stripe's services are governed by Stripe's services agreement (, its privacy policy (, and its cookie policy ( We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. How We Use Personal Information We collect personal information so that we can: •Operate and improve our Website •Operate our business •Improve our goods and services •Communicate with you •Ensure compliance with law Operate and Improve our Website Here are some examples of what we mean by operate and improve our Website: •Keep the Website running •Personalize your website experience •Provide support and respond to questions from users and Website visitors •Maintain security of information and data •Address network functioning, engineering, and troubleshooting issues •Prevent fraud •Process payments •Grant access to the Website •Register user accounts •Attribute content to the right person Improve our Website •Improve, personalize, and expand our website •Personalize experiences •Understand and analyze how you use our website •Learn about users’ needs •Track traffic patterns and Website usage •Customize our recommendations and promotions to you Operate our Business Here are some examples of what we mean by operate our business: •Keep Drive Thru Costa Rica running •Provide our offerings •Comply with legal requirements •Fulfill orders and deliveries •Recruit team members •Administer our business and keep proper records •Engage in a sale of all or part of our business Improve our goods and services Here are some examples of what we mean by improve our goods and services: •Develop new products, services, or features •Measure, support, and improve our offerings •Analyze trends and conduct research about improving our products and services Communicate with you Here are some examples of what we mean by communicate with you, directly or through one of our partners: •Provide customer service •Email you, mail you, or contact you in other ways you approve, such as phone or text •Provide updates and other information relating to the Website •Send you marketing messages •Send surveys •Launch and operate promotions •Suggest products or services of interest •Contact you for research or informational purposes •Enable online registration and provide customer service with respect to registration •Email newsletters Ensure compliance with the law •Prevent fraud •Investigate atypical usage •Investigate claims and/or legal actions, violations of law or agreements, and compliance with relevant applicable laws and legal process •Comply with law •Prevent fraud and reduce credit risks •Cooperate with police and other governmental authorities when subject to judicial or administrative process (such as a subpoena) or as provided by law •Respond to civil or criminal investigations, claims, or lawsuits •Respond as we believe is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss •Protect the rights, property or safety of visitors to the Website or the public •Resolve disputes How We Share Personal Information Like many companies, we do share some of your personal information outside the Company, as we have described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy. User-generated Content This Website accepts or publishes user-generated content. Users can download the personal information they have shared through the Website. Users can view or download information shared by others through the Website, such as usernames and the content of posts. Location of Personal Information We must, of course, store and process your data somewhere. We store or process your data in these countries: All countries How We Secure Information We believe in providing a safe and secure experience for all of our online visitors. To that end, we have implemented security measures to protect the information collected from you. We maintain reasonable physical and electronic safeguards designed to limit unauthorized access to your personally identifiable information and to protect you against the criminal misuse of that information. While we use these security measures to protect your information, please remember that no data transmitted over the Internet or stored and used for business purposes can ever be completely secure. No security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We cannot guarantee: •that your information will only be viewed by approved people •that information you share will remain private •that information you share will not become publicly available You can reduce the chances of these things happening by using a strong password, by not re-using passwords, and by protecting your devices against viruses and other malware. Business Transactions If we sell our assets or merge with another company, or if our company goes out of business, user information used by the business will be one of our assets that might be transferred to our successor. You consent to that successor's use of your information, subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Access and Choice You have choices about the information we collect. If you do not want to agree to the ways we've said that we might use your personal information, your first and best step is to not submit any of that personal information to us. If you do not want to receive emails that we send, including those with information or promotions, you can unsubscribe to those emails by clicking the unsubscribe link, responding with "unsubscribe," or contacting the "help" email address below. If you do not want to receive other marketing materials from us or if you do not want us to share your personal information with other entities as described in this Privacy Policy, please send us your name, address, and email address, together with a statement that you want to opt-out from information sharing or receiving materials (or both). Please send your information and request to: or send your information and request to: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Children’s Personal Information This Website is not intended to be used by children under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 may not use or submit any information to the Website, and their guardians should not permit them to do so. The Company does not seek to or intentionally collect any personal information from children under 13. If such a child or their guardian alerts us, we will take reasonable steps to delete any such information as quickly as is practical. JURISDICTION-SPECIFIC PROVISIONS The provisions in the following sections reflect requirements of various legal jurisdictions that may apply to some users but not others. Because our users may access the Website from anywhere, we expend meaningful effort to comply with all of those laws to which we are subejct. If you are not the intended subject of a particular section, then those terms will not apply to you or your usage of the Website. US State Privacy Rights If you are a resident of one of the US states below and the processing of personal information about you by the Website is subject to privacy laws that are specific to your state, you have certain rights with respect to that information, in all cases subject to state law. Some state privacy laws are relatively new, and so the correct interpretation of these laws is not yet settled in some cases. In those cases, we will make a good-faith effort to comply with the law. COLORADO This section applies only if you are a Colorado resident and we (1) (A) do business in Colorado or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Colorado residents and (2) (A) during a calendar year, control or process personal data of at least 100,000 Colorado residents or (B) control or process personal data of at least 25,000 Colorado residents and derive revenue or receive a financial benefit from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of correction - you may correct inaccuracies in your personal data, taking into account the nature of that data and the purposes of processing that data. 4. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data provided by or obtained about you. 5. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of (1) targeted advertising, (2) the sale of personal data, or (3) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you. You also have the right to opt out by using a universal opt-out mechanism that meets technical standards that will be established by the state attorney general. 6. A right to appeal - you have the right to appeal a company decision not to fulfill any of these requests. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. •We have to respond to your requests without undue delay, but in all cases within 45 days of receipt. •We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. •If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. •In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to once annually per user. 2. Appeal mechanism. •We have to establish a process for you to appeal our refusal to take action on a request within a reasonable period of time after your receipt of our decision not to take action. •We have to make the appeal process conspicuously available and similar to the process for submitting requests to initiate action. You may appeal our decision by replying to our decision or by making a new request for an appeal of that decision. •Within 45 days of receipt of an appeal, we have to inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. •We may extend the response period once by 60 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. •If the appeal is denied, we will also provide you with an online mechanism, if available, or other method through which you may contact the state attorney general to submit a complaint. Under Colorado law, you have the option to opt-in to processing of your personal data for targeted advertising or the sale of personal data on the terms described in detail in this privacy policy. Even after you provide opt-in consent, you may withdraw your consent by using the opt-out procedures described in this privacy policy. This disclosure will also be included where you can opt-in as described in this paragraph. We do not “sell” personal information as defined by Colorado law nor do we process your personal data for targeted advertising. Please make any of your requests under Colorado law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 CONNECTICUT This section applies only if you are a Connecticut resident and we (1) (A) do business in Connecticut or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Connecticut residents; and (2) during the prior calendar year, controlled or processed the personal data of (A) at least 100,000 Connecticut residents; or (B) (i) at least 25,000 or more Connecticut residents and (ii) we derived over 25% of our gross revenue from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of correction - you may correct inaccuracies in your personal data, taking into account the nature of that data and the purposes of processing that data. 4. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data provided by or obtained about you. 5. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of (1) targeted advertising, (2) the sale of personal data, or (3) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer. 6. A right to appeal- you have the right to appeal a company decision not to fulfill any of these requests. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. •We have to respond to your requests without undue delay, but in all cases within 45 days of receipt. •We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. •If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. •In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to once annually per user. 2. Appeal mechanism. •We have to establish a process for you to appeal our refusal to take action on a request within a reasonable period of time after your receipt of our decision not to take action. •We have to make the appeal process conspicuously available and similar to the process for submitting requests to initiate action. •Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we have to inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. •If the appeal is denied, we will also provide you with an online mechanism, if available, or other method through which you may contact the state attorney general to submit a complaint. We do not “sell” personal information as defined by Connecticut law nor do we process your personal data for targeted advertising. Please make any of your requests under Connecticut law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 UTAH This section applies only if you are a Utah resident and we (1) (A) do business in Utah or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Utah residents; (2) earn at least $25 million in annual revenue; and (3) during the prior calendar year, controlled or processed the personal data of (A) at least 100,000 Utah residents; or (B) (i) at least 2 5,000 Utah residents and (ii) we derived over 25% of our gross revenue from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data provided by you. 4. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of (1) targeted advertising or the sale of personal data. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. We have to respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases within 45 days of receipt. We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to once annually per user. We do not “sell” personal information as defined by Utah law nor do we process your personal data for targeted advertising. We do not process sensitive personal information as defined by Utah law. Please make any of your requests under Utah law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 IOWA This section applies only if you are an Iowa resident and we (1) (A) do business in Iowa or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Iowa residents; and (2) during the prior calendar year, controlled or processed the personal data of (A) at least 100,000 Iowa residents; or (B) (i) at least 25,000 Iowa residents and (ii) we derived over 50% of our gross revenue from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the sale of personal data. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. We have to respond to your request without undue delay, but in any case within 90 days of receipt. We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 90-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in any case within 90 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to twice annually per user. 2. Appeal mechanism •We have to establish a process for you to appeal our refusal to take action on a request within a reasonable period of time after your receipt of our decision not to take action. •We have to make the appeal process conspicuously available and similar to the process for submitting requests to initiate action. •Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we have to inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. •If the appeal is denied, we will also provide you with an online mechanism, if available, or other method through which you may contact the state attorney general to submit a complaint. We do not “sell” personal information as defined by Iowa law. We do not process sensitive personal information as defined by Iowa law nor do we process your personal data for targeted advertising.. Please make any of your requests under Iowa law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 VIRGINIA This section applies only if you are a Virginia resident and we (1) (A) do business in Virginia or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Virginia residents and (2) (A) during a calendar year, control or process personal data of at least 100,000 Virginia residents or (B) control or process personal data of at least 25,000 Virginia residents and derive over 50 percent of our gross revenue from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of correction - you may correct inaccuracies in your personal data, taking into account the nature of that data and the purposes of processing that data. 4. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data provided by or obtained about you. 5. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of (1) targeted advertising, (2) the sale of personal data, or (3) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer. 6. A right to appeal - you have the right to appeal a company decision not to fulfill your request. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response •We have to respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases within 45 days of receipt. •We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. •If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. •In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to twice annually per user. 2. Appeal mechanism •We have to establish a process for you to appeal our refusal to take action on a request within a reasonable period of time after your receipt of our decision not to take action. •We have to make the appeal process conspicuously available and similar to the process for submitting requests to initiate action. •Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we have to inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. •If the appeal is denied, we will also provide you with an online mechanism, if available, or other method through which you may contact the state attorney general to submit a complaint. Please make any of your requests under Virginia law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 California Privacy Rights If you are a California resident and the processing of personal information about you is subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), you have certain rights with respect to that information. In particular, you have a right to request that we provide you with the following information: 1.The categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you; 2.The categories of sources from which we collect personal information; 3.The purposes for collecting, using, or selling personal information; 4.The categories of third parties with which we share personal information; 5.For companies that disclose personal information for a business purpose, the categories of personal information disclosed about you for a business purpose; and 6.For companies that “sell” personal information, the categories of personal information sold about you and the categories of third parties to which the personal information was sold, by category or categories of personal information for each third party to which the personal information was sold. You have the right to request that we disclose to you the personal information we collect, use, or disclose, and information about our data practices. Please send your request to: or 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Note that in this Privacy Policy we have provided the information described in (2)-(5) as well as the categories for item (1). We may have collected any of these types of information in the last 12 months. Concerning item (6), we do not “sell” personal information as defined by the CCPA. You also have a right to request that we delete personal information under certain circumstances, subject to exceptions under the law. Please send your request to: or 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Finally, you have a right not to be discriminated against for exercising rights provided by the CCPA. GDPR Privacy Rights If you are a resident of one of the EU countries or other covered nations and the processing of personal information about you by the Website is subject to the GDPR, you have certain rights with respect to that information, in all cases subject to applicable law. Some questions of GDPR applicability to non-EU businesses are relatively new, and so the correct interpretation of these laws is not yet settled in some cases. In those cases, we will make a good-faith effort to comply with the law as applicable. This section applies only if you are an EU resident and we (1) are established in the EU and a data controller or processor; (2) are processing personal data of data subjects who are in the EU, where the processing activities are related to: (a) the offering of goods or services, paid or free, to consumers in the EU; or (b) the monitoring of behavior that takes place within the EU. (GDPR or analogous rights and obligations also apply to persons in the EEA, UK, or Switzerland.) You have the following rights: 1. A right of information - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and machine-readable format. 3. A right of correction - you may correct incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete personal data. 4. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data it’s no longer needed or if processing it is unlawful. 5. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for marketing purposes or on certain other grounds relating to your particular situation. 6. A right of restriction - you may request the restriction of the processing of your personal data in specific cases. 7. A right to human oversight of automated processing or decision-making, including a right of participation and a right to appeal. Please make any of your requests under EU law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. We have to respond to your requests without undue delay and in any event within 1 month after receipt of the request. We may extend that period by two further months when necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of the requests. We have to inform you of any such extension within 1 month after receipt of your request, together with the reasons for the delay. In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, unless the requests are unfounded, excessive, or repetitive. In those cases, we may elect to refuse your request in the absence of payment of a reasonable fee. 2. We have the following obligations: 1.To process data lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner 2.To process data in connection with limited purpose for which it was provided 3.To minimize the data collected in relation to the purpose of its processing 4.To keep data accurate and up to date 5.To limit storage of data when no longer needed 6.To keep data secure and protected against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage 3. If there’s a data breach, we have to notify users “as quickly as possible.” We have 72 hours to notify the appropriate supervisory authority. Note that if we are not established or operating in the EU, there is no applicable supervisory authority. 4. If we are required to appoint a data protection officer, we must also inform you of the identity and contact information for the data processing officer. We have determined that we are not required to have a named Data Protection Officer. Drive Thru Costa Rica will nevertheless respond to all requests in accordance with applicable law. Updated: May 8, 2024 Drive Thru Costa Rica, LLC Privacy Policy Introduction Purpose At Drive Thru Costa Rica (, we value your privacy. To put that into practice, we take reasonable steps toward protecting your privacy and managing your information. This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect, where it comes from, how it’s used, and how it is stored. This Privacy Policy also includes information to help you understand how the choices you have can change the collection and usage of certain information and how you can contact us with questions or concerns. By using this Website, contacting us, or providing any personal information, you signify your consent to this Privacy Policy, agree to comply with its terms, and consent to our collection and usage of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy, in all cases subject to applicable law. Scope This Privacy Policy at applies only to our website at (the “Website”) and to visitors and users of our Website. It does not apply to any information we collect through channels, online or offline, other than this Website, such as phone, email, or mail operations concerning our operations, products, or services, as well as non-Website marketing contacts with you. For your convenience, this Website may contain links to other websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any third-party website or service, and you should review the privacy policies of those sites before using them because other websites may not treat information collected online in the same manner as we do. Those privacy policies may include information about how to view, edit, download, or remove information or how to opt-out of certain practices. We are not responsible for the privacy practices, advertising, products, or content of those websites. Updates and Changes If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page at If you are concerned about how your personal information is used, please visit our Website often for this and other important announcements and updates. Problems/Questions If you have questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, you may contact us at What Information We Collect This section includes a general description of the type of information we may collect about you. Those who wish to communicate with us but do not wish to provide personally identifiable information through the Website may contact us through the address or phone numbers provided on our Website, or through our online chat function. Information you provide to us We collect some information that you provide directly to us through this Website. We collect contact information you provide, including: •Name •Address •Phone Numbers •Email Address •Employer or Company Name •Job Title •Other contact information We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We collect financial information you provide, including: •Credit/Debit Card Information •Bank Account Information •Company EIN or Personal SSN •Payment company We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We collect other information you provide, including: •Contact information for third parties •Information about the User's organization or contacts •Content of feedback, support, reviews •Phone, chats, or emails •Posts by Users We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We collect other information that may identify you that you provide, including: •Usernames •Roles •Social media profiles •Date of birth •Picture or video of user •Other authentication or identification data •Other identifying information We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We collect information about your usage of the Website that you provide, including: •Contact preferences •Location •Other usage information We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We do not seek to or intentionally collect sensitive information that you provide directly to us. Information we collect about you Even if you do not submit personal information through the Website, we gather navigational information about where visitors go on the Website and information about the technical efficiencies of our Website and services (such as time to connect to the Website or time to download pages). This information allows us to see which areas of our Website are most visited and helps us better understand the user experience. This data helps us improve the quality of the Website by recognizing and delivering more of the features, areas, and services our visitors prefer. In this process of gathering information, we may collect personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information (such as domain type, browser type and version, service provider and IP address, referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and click-stream data). We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We may also create and use electronic records to compile statistics about how our visitors collectively interact with our Website by collecting, aggregating, and using information from or about you such as data about the type of browser and operating system used, which web pages you view, the time and duration or your visits to our Website, the search queries you use on this Website, whether you clicked on any items or links on the Website, whether you have clicked on any links in any emails sent from us or third parties on our behalf, whether you have chosen to opt-out of certain services or information sharing, and whether you have viewed or ordered certain products or services, to improve our products and services. We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. We may obtain information about you from outside sources. For example, we may obtain commercially available information about you from third parties, such as credit information to prevent fraud, or purchase email lists from third parties for advertising and marketing purposes. We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. If you access the Website using a device, we may collect the following device data: •Device Type •Operating System •Unique device identifiers •Device settings •Geo-location data •IP addresses •Browser type •Browser ID •Clickstream data •User workflow progress •Other (text field) We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. Cookies The Website uses a common browser feature known as a cookie, which assigns a unique identification to your computer browser and session. Cookies are typically stored on your computer’s hard drive and are used to help maintain an expected user experience by tracking clicks as you go through the pages within our Website and informing the Website that each of your clicks comes from you individually when needed. We may also use cookies to tell us whether you have previously visited the Website. We may also use cookies that can be set by third parties with whom we have entered into agreements that may enable us to obtain analytic information about the use of our Website. These third-party providers may also place cookies onto your computer. Those third-party cookies may enable us to obtain aggregate demographic information and user statistics about you and your preferences from these third-party sources as well as other information we have about you. We collect this information with your consent in many cases, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We may use any of these kinds of cookies: •Essential cookies - used for logins and account management •Performance cookies - used for analytics, including visitor tracking •Functionality cookies - used for preferences (time zone and language) and enhanced content •Targeting/advertising cookies - used by content partners or banner networks You can choose to disable cookies through your individual browser options. There are browser settings that will set it not to accept cookies or to notify you if a cookie is sent so you can decide to accept it. There are other browser settings to remove cookies previously set. To know more detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers, it can be found at the browsers' respective websites. Features on the Website may not work correctly if you disable all cookies. Web Beacons You use web beacons, pixel tags, or clear GIFs to help track and understand user behavior. We also may use different kinds of web beacons (sometimes called pixel tags or clear GIFs) or similar technologies on our Website or in our emails to you. These small files, usually invisible to you, are loaded when you interact with a web page or open an email. We use these files to analyze user behavior and the performance of our web pages and email communications. Some of these web beacons are set up for us by third parties who collect and analyze this information on our behalf. Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of visitor data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. Surveys and promotions When we conduct surveys or other promotions, we often request information from users. Users can decide whether or not to participate in any of these activities and to disclose or not disclose any requested information accordingly. We may ask for information to help us understand you as a user, such as contact information, and all of our users, such as demographic information. We use this information to provide better services and options to you and to all our users. We also use the information you provide to run our surveys and promotions. The information we collect may be used in additional ways, such as being shared with the sponsors or administrators of the survey or promotion. We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. Widgets A widget is a small application that is embedded in a webpage. Widgets are usually dynamic, not static: they can provide information updates to a webpage, or users can interact with them. Appointment calendars and chat tools are common examples of widgets. Most widgets come from third party companies that provide those services to us. The widgets may share data with their provider as well as with us. We collect this information with your consent and in service of our legitimate business interests. We may use Drift, which is a chat tool that operates on our Website. Drift also provides analytics that help us to operate and improve the Website and our business. Drift’s services are governed by Drift’s terms of use, and its privacy policy, We may use Intercom, which is a chat tool that operates on our Website. Intercom also provides analytics that help us to operate and improve the Website and our business. Intercom's services are governed by Intercom's terms of use,, and its privacy policy, Google ads, analytics, and other services Google provides several different technologies to our Website in the course of serving our users. These services may include the use of cookies, which we've described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy. You may want to review the Google privacy and terms page on Advertising ( to determine what options you may have to control collection and usage of your information. Similarly, Google Analytics uses cookies and device identifiers in the course of providing its analytics. This, and other analytics software, tracks website usage (pages, forms, and files) and traffic (referring page, pages visited, and exit page) to help us understand how users use the Website. You may want to review the details on how Google Analytics collects and processes data at "How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps" ( We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. We use analytics software to track website usage (pages, forms, and files) and traffic (referring page, pages visited, and exit page) to help us understand how users use the Website. We use the following analytics tools: •Clicky •Crazy Egg •Kissmetrics •Mixpanel •Open Web Analytics •Statcounter Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. We use Mixpanel to track website usage (pages, forms, and files) and traffic (referring page, pages visited, and exit page) to help us understand how users use the Website. Mixpanel stores usage information and some personal data. Mixpanel's services are governed by Mixpanel's terms of use ( and its privacy policy ( You can opt-out of Mixpanel by following their posted instructions ( We collect this information to perform any contract you may have with us and in service of our legitimate business interests. We use the following third-party advertising services: •Facebook Pixel •Hubspot •Pardot •Marketo •TikTok Pixel •Snapchat Pixel •Taboola Pixel •Twitter Pixel •LinkedIn Pixel •Outbrain Pixel Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. Some of the advertisers on our site may use cookies and web beacons, as described above. We use the following display advertising companies: •Google AdSense •Bing Ads •AdColony •AppLovin •Facebook Ads Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. We use the following email service providers: •MailChimp •TinyLetter •Aweber •MailerLite •SendFox •Campaign Monitor •Salesforce •Pardot •HubSpot •GoDaddy •Postmark Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. We use the following technologies: •Geo-location of IP addresses •Google Maps API Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information in service of our legitimate business interests. We use the following payment services companies: •Paypal •Square •Stripe Each of these companies has its own privacy policy governing their use of data. We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. We use Stripe to process payments made via this website. We share information with Stripe as needed to process those payments. Stripe's services are governed by Stripe's services agreement (, its privacy policy (, and its cookie policy ( We collect this information with your consent, to perform any contract you may have with us, and in service of our legitimate business interests. How We Use Personal Information We collect personal information so that we can: •Operate and improve our Website •Operate our business •Improve our goods and services •Communicate with you •Ensure compliance with law Operate and Improve our Website Here are some examples of what we mean by operate and improve our Website: •Keep the Website running •Personalize your website experience •Provide support and respond to questions from users and Website visitors •Maintain security of information and data •Address network functioning, engineering, and troubleshooting issues •Prevent fraud •Process payments •Grant access to the Website •Register user accounts •Attribute content to the right person Improve our Website •Improve, personalize, and expand our website •Personalize experiences •Understand and analyze how you use our website •Learn about users’ needs •Track traffic patterns and Website usage •Customize our recommendations and promotions to you Operate our Business Here are some examples of what we mean by operate our business: •Keep Drive Thru Costa Rica running •Provide our offerings •Comply with legal requirements •Fulfill orders and deliveries •Recruit team members •Administer our business and keep proper records •Engage in a sale of all or part of our business Improve our goods and services Here are some examples of what we mean by improve our goods and services: •Develop new products, services, or features •Measure, support, and improve our offerings •Analyze trends and conduct research about improving our products and services Communicate with you Here are some examples of what we mean by communicate with you, directly or through one of our partners: •Provide customer service •Email you, mail you, or contact you in other ways you approve, such as phone or text •Provide updates and other information relating to the Website •Send you marketing messages •Send surveys •Launch and operate promotions •Suggest products or services of interest •Contact you for research or informational purposes •Enable online registration and provide customer service with respect to registration •Email newsletters Ensure compliance with the law •Prevent fraud •Investigate atypical usage •Investigate claims and/or legal actions, violations of law or agreements, and compliance with relevant applicable laws and legal process •Comply with law •Prevent fraud and reduce credit risks •Cooperate with police and other governmental authorities when subject to judicial or administrative process (such as a subpoena) or as provided by law •Respond to civil or criminal investigations, claims, or lawsuits •Respond as we believe is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss •Protect the rights, property or safety of visitors to the Website or the public •Resolve disputes How We Share Personal Information Like many companies, we do share some of your personal information outside the Company, as we have described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy. User-generated Content This Website accepts or publishes user-generated content. Users can download the personal information they have shared through the Website. Users can view or download information shared by others through the Website, such as usernames and the content of posts. Location of Personal Information We must, of course, store and process your data somewhere. We store or process your data in these countries: All countries How We Secure Information We believe in providing a safe and secure experience for all of our online visitors. To that end, we have implemented security measures to protect the information collected from you. We maintain reasonable physical and electronic safeguards designed to limit unauthorized access to your personally identifiable information and to protect you against the criminal misuse of that information. While we use these security measures to protect your information, please remember that no data transmitted over the Internet or stored and used for business purposes can ever be completely secure. No security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We cannot guarantee: •that your information will only be viewed by approved people •that information you share will remain private •that information you share will not become publicly available You can reduce the chances of these things happening by using a strong password, by not re-using passwords, and by protecting your devices against viruses and other malware. Business Transactions If we sell our assets or merge with another company, or if our company goes out of business, user information used by the business will be one of our assets that might be transferred to our successor. You consent to that successor's use of your information, subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Access and Choice You have choices about the information we collect. If you do not want to agree to the ways we've said that we might use your personal information, your first and best step is to not submit any of that personal information to us. If you do not want to receive emails that we send, including those with information or promotions, you can unsubscribe to those emails by clicking the unsubscribe link, responding with "unsubscribe," or contacting the "help" email address below. If you do not want to receive other marketing materials from us or if you do not want us to share your personal information with other entities as described in this Privacy Policy, please send us your name, address, and email address, together with a statement that you want to opt-out from information sharing or receiving materials (or both). Please send your information and request to: or send your information and request to: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Children’s Personal Information This Website is not intended to be used by children under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 may not use or submit any information to the Website, and their guardians should not permit them to do so. The Company does not seek to or intentionally collect any personal information from children under 13. If such a child or their guardian alerts us, we will take reasonable steps to delete any such information as quickly as is practical. JURISDICTION-SPECIFIC PROVISIONS The provisions in the following sections reflect requirements of various legal jurisdictions that may apply to some users but not others. Because our users may access the Website from anywhere, we expend meaningful effort to comply with all of those laws to which we are subejct. If you are not the intended subject of a particular section, then those terms will not apply to you or your usage of the Website. US State Privacy Rights If you are a resident of one of the US states below and the processing of personal information about you by the Website is subject to privacy laws that are specific to your state, you have certain rights with respect to that information, in all cases subject to state law. Some state privacy laws are relatively new, and so the correct interpretation of these laws is not yet settled in some cases. In those cases, we will make a good-faith effort to comply with the law. COLORADO This section applies only if you are a Colorado resident and we (1) (A) do business in Colorado or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Colorado residents and (2) (A) during a calendar year, control or process personal data of at least 100,000 Colorado residents or (B) control or process personal data of at least 25,000 Colorado residents and derive revenue or receive a financial benefit from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of correction - you may correct inaccuracies in your personal data, taking into account the nature of that data and the purposes of processing that data. 4. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data provided by or obtained about you. 5. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of (1) targeted advertising, (2) the sale of personal data, or (3) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you. You also have the right to opt out by using a universal opt-out mechanism that meets technical standards that will be established by the state attorney general. 6. A right to appeal - you have the right to appeal a company decision not to fulfill any of these requests. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. •We have to respond to your requests without undue delay, but in all cases within 45 days of receipt. •We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. •If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. •In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to once annually per user. 2. Appeal mechanism. •We have to establish a process for you to appeal our refusal to take action on a request within a reasonable period of time after your receipt of our decision not to take action. •We have to make the appeal process conspicuously available and similar to the process for submitting requests to initiate action. You may appeal our decision by replying to our decision or by making a new request for an appeal of that decision. •Within 45 days of receipt of an appeal, we have to inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. •We may extend the response period once by 60 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. •If the appeal is denied, we will also provide you with an online mechanism, if available, or other method through which you may contact the state attorney general to submit a complaint. Under Colorado law, you have the option to opt-in to processing of your personal data for targeted advertising or the sale of personal data on the terms described in detail in this privacy policy. Even after you provide opt-in consent, you may withdraw your consent by using the opt-out procedures described in this privacy policy. This disclosure will also be included where you can opt-in as described in this paragraph. We do not “sell” personal information as defined by Colorado law nor do we process your personal data for targeted advertising. Please make any of your requests under Colorado law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 CONNECTICUT This section applies only if you are a Connecticut resident and we (1) (A) do business in Connecticut or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Connecticut residents; and (2) during the prior calendar year, controlled or processed the personal data of (A) at least 100,000 Connecticut residents; or (B) (i) at least 25,000 or more Connecticut residents and (ii) we derived over 25% of our gross revenue from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of correction - you may correct inaccuracies in your personal data, taking into account the nature of that data and the purposes of processing that data. 4. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data provided by or obtained about you. 5. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of (1) targeted advertising, (2) the sale of personal data, or (3) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer. 6. A right to appeal- you have the right to appeal a company decision not to fulfill any of these requests. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. •We have to respond to your requests without undue delay, but in all cases within 45 days of receipt. •We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. •If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. •In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to once annually per user. 2. Appeal mechanism. •We have to establish a process for you to appeal our refusal to take action on a request within a reasonable period of time after your receipt of our decision not to take action. •We have to make the appeal process conspicuously available and similar to the process for submitting requests to initiate action. •Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we have to inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. •If the appeal is denied, we will also provide you with an online mechanism, if available, or other method through which you may contact the state attorney general to submit a complaint. We do not “sell” personal information as defined by Connecticut law nor do we process your personal data for targeted advertising. Please make any of your requests under Connecticut law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 UTAH This section applies only if you are a Utah resident and we (1) (A) do business in Utah or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Utah residents; (2) earn at least $25 million in annual revenue; and (3) during the prior calendar year, controlled or processed the personal data of (A) at least 100,000 Utah residents; or (B) (i) at least 2 5,000 Utah residents and (ii) we derived over 25% of our gross revenue from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data provided by you. 4. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of (1) targeted advertising or the sale of personal data. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. We have to respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases within 45 days of receipt. We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to once annually per user. We do not “sell” personal information as defined by Utah law nor do we process your personal data for targeted advertising. We do not process sensitive personal information as defined by Utah law. Please make any of your requests under Utah law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 IOWA This section applies only if you are an Iowa resident and we (1) (A) do business in Iowa or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Iowa residents; and (2) during the prior calendar year, controlled or processed the personal data of (A) at least 100,000 Iowa residents; or (B) (i) at least 25,000 Iowa residents and (ii) we derived over 50% of our gross revenue from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the sale of personal data. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. We have to respond to your request without undue delay, but in any case within 90 days of receipt. We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 90-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in any case within 90 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to twice annually per user. 2. Appeal mechanism •We have to establish a process for you to appeal our refusal to take action on a request within a reasonable period of time after your receipt of our decision not to take action. •We have to make the appeal process conspicuously available and similar to the process for submitting requests to initiate action. •Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we have to inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. •If the appeal is denied, we will also provide you with an online mechanism, if available, or other method through which you may contact the state attorney general to submit a complaint. We do not “sell” personal information as defined by Iowa law. We do not process sensitive personal information as defined by Iowa law nor do we process your personal data for targeted advertising.. Please make any of your requests under Iowa law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 VIRGINIA This section applies only if you are a Virginia resident and we (1) (A) do business in Virginia or (B) produce products or services that are targeted to Virginia residents and (2) (A) during a calendar year, control or process personal data of at least 100,000 Virginia residents or (B) control or process personal data of at least 25,000 Virginia residents and derive over 50 percent of our gross revenue from the sale of personal data. You have the following rights: 1. A right of knowledge - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format. 3. A right of correction - you may correct inaccuracies in your personal data, taking into account the nature of that data and the purposes of processing that data. 4. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data provided by or obtained about you. 5. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of (1) targeted advertising, (2) the sale of personal data, or (3) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer. 6. A right to appeal - you have the right to appeal a company decision not to fulfill your request. We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response •We have to respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases within 45 days of receipt. •We may extend the response period once by 45 additional days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of your requests, so long as we inform you of any extension within the initial 45-day response period, together with the reason for the extension. •If we decline to take action on your request, we have to inform you without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request, including the justification for declining to take action and instructions for how to appeal our decision. •In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, up to twice annually per user. 2. Appeal mechanism •We have to establish a process for you to appeal our refusal to take action on a request within a reasonable period of time after your receipt of our decision not to take action. •We have to make the appeal process conspicuously available and similar to the process for submitting requests to initiate action. •Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we have to inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. •If the appeal is denied, we will also provide you with an online mechanism, if available, or other method through which you may contact the state attorney general to submit a complaint. Please make any of your requests under Virginia law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 California Privacy Rights If you are a California resident and the processing of personal information about you is subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), you have certain rights with respect to that information. In particular, you have a right to request that we provide you with the following information: 1.The categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you; 2.The categories of sources from which we collect personal information; 3.The purposes for collecting, using, or selling personal information; 4.The categories of third parties with which we share personal information; 5.For companies that disclose personal information for a business purpose, the categories of personal information disclosed about you for a business purpose; and 6.For companies that “sell” personal information, the categories of personal information sold about you and the categories of third parties to which the personal information was sold, by category or categories of personal information for each third party to which the personal information was sold. You have the right to request that we disclose to you the personal information we collect, use, or disclose, and information about our data practices. Please send your request to: or 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Note that in this Privacy Policy we have provided the information described in (2)-(5) as well as the categories for item (1). We may have collected any of these types of information in the last 12 months. Concerning item (6), we do not “sell” personal information as defined by the CCPA. You also have a right to request that we delete personal information under certain circumstances, subject to exceptions under the law. Please send your request to: or 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 Finally, you have a right not to be discriminated against for exercising rights provided by the CCPA. GDPR Privacy Rights If you are a resident of one of the EU countries or other covered nations and the processing of personal information about you by the Website is subject to the GDPR, you have certain rights with respect to that information, in all cases subject to applicable law. Some questions of GDPR applicability to non-EU businesses are relatively new, and so the correct interpretation of these laws is not yet settled in some cases. In those cases, we will make a good-faith effort to comply with the law as applicable. This section applies only if you are an EU resident and we (1) are established in the EU and a data controller or processor; (2) are processing personal data of data subjects who are in the EU, where the processing activities are related to: (a) the offering of goods or services, paid or free, to consumers in the EU; or (b) the monitoring of behavior that takes place within the EU. (GDPR or analogous rights and obligations also apply to persons in the EEA, UK, or Switzerland.) You have the following rights: 1. A right of information - you may ask that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. 2. A right of access - you may ask to access your personal data we are processing; you may ask to receive a copy of the personal data that you previously provided to us in a portable and machine-readable format. 3. A right of correction - you may correct incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete personal data. 4. A right of deletion - you may ask that we delete personal data it’s no longer needed or if processing it is unlawful. 5. A right of opt-out - you may opt out of the processing of the personal data for marketing purposes or on certain other grounds relating to your particular situation. 6. A right of restriction - you may request the restriction of the processing of your personal data in specific cases. 7. A right to human oversight of automated processing or decision-making, including a right of participation and a right to appeal. Please make any of your requests under EU law, as applicable, using one of these methods: 30 N Gould St, Ste 31144, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 We have the following related obligations, subject to applicable law: 1. Timely response to your requests. We have to respond to your requests without undue delay and in any event within 1 month after receipt of the request. We may extend that period by two further months when necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of the requests. We have to inform you of any such extension within 1 month after receipt of your request, together with the reasons for the delay. In general, we will provide information in response to your requests without charge, unless the requests are unfounded, excessive, or repetitive. In those cases, we may elect to refuse your request in the absence of payment of a reasonable fee. 2. We have the following obligations: 1.To process data lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner 2.To process data in connection with limited purpose for which it was provided 3.To minimize the data collected in relation to the purpose of its processing 4.To keep data accurate and up to date 5.To limit storage of data when no longer needed 6.To keep data secure and protected against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage 3. If there’s a data breach, we have to notify users “as quickly as possible.” We have 72 hours to notify the appropriate supervisory authority. Note that if we are not established or operating in the EU, there is no applicable supervisory authority. 4. If we are required to appoint a data protection officer, we must also inform you of the identity and contact information for the data processing officer. We have determined that we are not required to have a named Data Protection Officer. Drive Thru Costa Rica will nevertheless respond to all requests in accordance with applicable law. Updated: May 8, 2024

E-Commerce Terms & Conditions DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, LLC E-Commerce Terms of Use Introduction Welcome to! By using our website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms of use (the “Terms”), which incorporate by reference our Privacy Policy, located at, and agree to be bound by the Terms. It is your obligation to review these Terms before using the Website. If you do not understand or have questions about the Terms, please stop all use of the Website and contact us at Any changes to these Terms will be effective immediately upon our posting them to the Website, unless otherwise stated. We reserve the right to change the contents of the Website at any time, with or without notice. These Terms apply only to the Website and do not apply to any websites, even those controlled by us, that are linked to the Website. For access to the terms of use or privacy policies of linked websites, you should refer to the policies of those websites. If you become a customer of Drive Thru Costa Rica, these Terms and the Privacy Policy will be superseded by the terms and conditions applicable to that relationship to the extent of any conflicts between them. Definitions •“Drive Thru Costa Rica” means , a Wyoming limited liability company, who is the owner and operator of the Website. •“Website” means the website located at •“Content” means any and all material, existing or having existed on the Website in any fashion from any origin and in any form whether digital, electronic, posted, deleted, archived, embedded, or linked or contained in any subpage of the Website or existing as data, designs, text (on every page of the Website, whether editorial, navigational, or instructional), images, graphics (including all logos, buttons, and other graphical elements on the Website, including the color combinations and the page layout of the Website, with the exception of trademarks and intellectual property belonging to third parties), code or programming (includes both client-side code and server-side code (including compiled or interpreted code in any computer language, databases, etc.) used on the Website), and includes all material that we have provided on or as part of the Website or which any Users have submitted, posted, uploaded, or otherwise provided to the Website. •“Customer” means any person or entity who investigates, initiates, or completes a transaction for Services with Drive Thru Costa Rica. •“Services” means any of the products, goods, or services provided by or through Drive Thru Costa Rica. •“User” means any person or entity, as the case may be, who accesses the Website. As a User, you are subject to these Terms and our Privacy Policy and agree to abide by all terms and conditions contained in these Terms. Usage and Access GENERAL USE OF THIS WEBSITE We hereby grant you a limited license to view and use the website solely as an aid to properly engaging with the Website as a User. You may use the Website only in a manner consistent with your bona fide personal or internal business needs. If a Customer creates an account on the Website, then Customer shall ensure that all users of Customer’s account, whether or not they have separate usernames or passwords, comply with the restrictions on use and disclosure set forth in this Agreement. Customer is responsible for, including being liable to Drive Thru Costa Rica for, (1) any person’s use of the Website that is authorized or permitted by Customer, including any use or conduct that violates the AUP or other requirements of these Terms applicable to Customer; and (2) any use of the Website through Customer’s account, whether authorized or unauthorized. Customer is responsible to, at its discretion, arrange for or establish the liability to Customer of any such person for their actions or omissions. Customer shall use reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to the Website, including by protecting its passwords and other log-in information. Customer shall notify Drive Thru Costa Rica promptly following Customer’s knowledge, awareness, or good-faith suspicion that Customer’s log-in information has been compromised. Customer shall notify Drive Thru Costa Rica immediately of any known or suspected unauthorized use of the Website or breach of its security and shall use reasonable efforts to halt and remediate any such breach. The Website and any Services are not intended for the use of children under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 may not use or submit any information to the Website, and their guardians should not permit them to do so. Individuals older than 13 but under the age of 18 may access the Website only under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Terms and responsible for all of the User’s actions taken on the Website. These age restrictions are based on applicable law for the benefit of such children. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF THE WEBSITE Any unauthorized use by you or on your behalf, including as described in this section of these Terms, will automatically terminate the license granted by us, and you may not thereafter use the Website for any personal or business purpose. Except as provided in these Terms or by the Website itself, you may not: •use (or plan, encourage or help others to use) the Website for any purpose or in any manner that is prohibited by these Terms or by applicable law; •download (other than page caching), excerpt, summarize, copy, or create derivative works from any portion of the Website; •gather information from the Website from data mining, robots, spiders, or similar extraction tools; •interfere with the proper operation of the Website including by attacking, hacking into, or otherwise attempting to penetrate any non-publicly accessible elements of the Website or its servers or network, through the use of bots, Trojan horses, Viruses, DNS attacks, or any other technology that is designed or intended to interfere with the proper operation of the Website or the use of the Website by any User; •circumvent or attempt to circumvent any security or access control technology implemented on the Website or its associated servers and networks; •advertise or otherwise engage in any commercial endeavor, including any pyramid, network marketing, Ponzi, or similar scheme; •impersonate or misrepresent your connection to any other entity or person or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of the content; •disrupt the normal flow of communications or affect the ability of any User to use this Website; or •advocate illegal activity or an intention to commit an illegal act or violate any applicable local, state, national or international law. TERMINATION OF ACCESS Use of this Website is not a legal right. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Website for any reason or no reason at any time, in our sole discretion without considering the potential ramifications on you and your activities. Drive Thru Costa Rica may immediately terminate or suspend any person’s access to the Website, without advance notice, if Drive Thru Costa Rica believes in good faith that there has been a violation of these Terms or any other applicable agreement. Drive Thru Costa Rica shall use reasonable efforts to provide written notice to Customer as soon as practicable following any such termination or suspension of access. Neither these Terms nor the AUP require that Drive Thru Costa Rica enforce the AUP or these Terms against Customer or any user or other person. Drive Thru Costa Rica reserves the right to take such action, or no action, as it may determine from time to time. Information You Provide User-Generated Content The Website may allow you to post information or data in a variety of forms to dedicated sections of the Website, such as support forums or similar message boards. The purpose of these sections, unless otherwise specified, is to support the business of Drive Thru Costa Rica and the related needs of its Users and Customers. “User-Generated Content” means any content created or publicly posted by you to the Website. You hereby irrevocably grant to Drive Thru Costa Rica a worldwide, perpetual, fully paid, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, transferable right to use, publish, broadcast, post online, and copyright (1) your name, voice, picture, portrait, and likeness (“Identity Materials”) as such Identity Materials appear in connection with the User-Generated Content and (2) the User-Generated Content in, and in connection with, advertising, marketing, and promoting Drive Thru Costa Rica, its products and services, or its events, in whole or in part, by any means, media, devices, processes, and technology, whether now known or hereafter developed. You acknowledge that Drive Thru Costa Rica may modify the User-Generated Content for formatting, navigation, integration, or other purposes, provided that Drive Thru Costa Rica uses good-faith efforts to ensure that such modifications do not materially distort such User-Generated Content. You hereby waive and shall not enforce any conflicting rights in the User-Generated Content, including any moral rights that you may have under applicable law. You hereby consent to the appearance and use of the Identity Materials in any advertisement, promotional media, or other media without submitting such proposed uses to you for any further approval. You hereby release Drive Thru Costa Rica from any liability to you for any distortion or illusionary effect resulting from the publication of your Identity Materials. Drive Thru Costa Rica is not required to use any of these rights granted by you to retain these rights. Representations - You represent to Drive Thru Costa Rica that: You have the necessary authority to grant the rights described in these Terms; You have created the User-Generated Content or have the necessary rights to publish the User-Generated Content to the Website; You have the necessary rights and consents to publish the Identity Materials of any person appearing in your User-Generated Content; Your grant of rights to Drive Thru Costa Rica under these Terms will not violate the rights of any third party or violate any applicable laws, including consumer protection, privacy, copyright, trademark, unfair competition, and trade laws; The User-Generated Content does not violate any provision of these Terms, including that it does not contain any viruses or other harmful code and is not defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, indecent, threatening, harassing, hateful, or offensive or otherwise unlawful. We do not assume any obligation to review or monitor the Content or other information submitted to the Website by third parties. We may review some, none, or all of the information submitted to the Website. We reserve the right to remove, edit, or reject any information submitted to the Website for any reason or no reason. You assume the responsibility of verifying the accuracy of any posted information through your own independent investigation. ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY 1. Unacceptable Use Drive Thru Costa Rica requires that all customers and other users of the Website conduct themselves with respect for others. In particular, observe the following rules in your use of the Website: •Abusive Behavior: Do not harass, threaten, or defame any person. Do not contact any person who has requested no further contact. Do not use ethnic or religious slurs against any person or group. •Privacy: Do not violate the privacy rights of any person. Do not collect or disclose any personal address, social security number, or other personally identifiable information without each person’s written permission. Do not cooperate in or facilitate identity theft. •Intellectual Property: We respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask you to do the same. Do not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property rights of any person. Do not reproduce, publish, or disseminate software, audio recordings, video recordings, photographs, articles, or other works of authorship without the written permission of the copyright holder. We may, in appropriate circumstances, terminate or suspend use of the Website to Users who infringe the intellectual property rights of others. •Hacking, Viruses, & Network Attacks: Do not access any computer or communications system without authorization, including the computers used to provide the Website. Do not attempt to penetrate or disable any security system. Do not intentionally distribute a computer virus, launch a denial-of-service attack, or in any other way attempt to interfere with the functioning of any computer, communications system, or website. Do not attempt to access or otherwise interfere with the accounts of other users of the Website. •Violations of Law: Do not violate any law. •Customer Use Only: Your use of the Website is limited to your personal or internal business purposes only. Do not (1) sell, re-license, rent, lease, or provide service bureau or timeshare access to the Website; (2) use the Website to provide the same or similar services to third parties; or (3) create derivative works from, distribute, or in any way exploit the Website. Do not permit anyone other than your authorized users to access the Website, whether on a for-profit, loan, gratuitous, temporary, or other basis, whether through consulting, training, or other services provided by you, or in any other manner, except with the express prior written consent of Drive Thru Costa Rica. 2. Consequences of Violation Violation of this acceptable use policy (this “AUP”) may lead to suspension or termination of the user’s account or the customer’s account or the initiation of legal action. In addition, the user or customer may be required to pay for the costs of investigation and remedial action related to AUP violations. Drive Thru Costa Rica reserves the right to take any other remedial action that it determines in good faith is necessary or advisable. 3. Reporting Unacceptable Use Drive Thru Costa Rica requests that anyone with information about a violation of this AUP report it at Please provide the date and time (with time zone) of the violation and any identifying information regarding the violator, including email or IP (Internet Protocol) address if available, as well as details of the violation. 4. Disclosure We reserve the right to cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court orders requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone posting any messages or publishing or otherwise making available any materials that are believed to violate these Terms or applicable law. You consent to our disclosure, without your further consent or notice, of your IP address, username, name, IP location or other information as required by any subpoena issued to us by a court or from a law enforcement or government agency. We may challenge any such subpoena on legal grounds but are not required to do so. 5. Revisions to the AUP Drive Thru Costa Rica may change this AUP at any time by posting a new version on this page on the Website. The new version will become effective on the date of such notice. Other Information You Provide If you choose to provide any personal information via this Website that is not User-Generated Content, the information will be used only for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy We may collect or share certain information based on your usage of the Website, as described in, and subject to, our Privacy Policy. To facilitate communications between you and us, this Website offers you the ability to contact us. Although we strive to protect and secure our online communications, and use the security measures detailed in our Privacy Policy to protect your information, you and we both acknowledge that no data transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure and that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. You agree to release us from (1) any liability to you for any unaccepted or unprocessed email instructions or requests and (2) from any loss or damage arising out of any unauthorized use by third parties of any information that you send by email. If you would like to transmit sensitive information to us, please contact us, without including the sensitive information, to arrange a more secure means of communication. Prohibited Information Please do not send us any confidential or proprietary information or trade secrets through the Website. They are not protected by any confidentiality agreement, and you do so at your own risk. Information you submit through the Website or otherwise may not contain: •commercial speech, such as links to other websites, solicit money or offer securities, or contain any chain letters, pyramid schemes, or spam; •the intellectual property of a third party, including trade secrets, except in accordance with applicable law (that is, fair use or appropriate permission) or infringe on such IP; •material that is false or misleading or impersonates another person, or misstates or misleads as to identity, gender, or age; •material that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, or otherwise unlawful; •viruses, worms, time bombs, Trojan horses, or other harmful or disruptive components or links to such items; or •any robot, spider, website search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, “data mine,” or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Website or its contents. Intellectual Property Rights Drive Thru Costa Rica owns all intellectual property rights relating to the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand and other content including: copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade dress, logo, patents and patentable subject matter, trade secrets, and data elements and other Content that has or provides the “look and feel” of the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand image, as well as our own Content, including the text, graphics, programming (including source and object code), photographs, video, and audio contained in the Website (the “Intellectual Property”). All other intellectual property not owned by Drive Thru Costa Rica is the property of its respective owner or licensee, as the case may be. We reserve all rights to all of our Intellectual Property. Your use of the Website does not grant you any rights or licenses relating to the Intellectual Property, except as expressly provided for in these Terms. You may not display, copy, modify, create derivative works of, sell, or distribute any of the Intellectual Property, or use it in any other way for public or commercial purposes except in accordance with these Terms and the intended purpose of the Website. Subject to the Privacy Policy, any information, materials, suggestions, ideas, or comments you send to us (each, a “Submission”) are deemed non-confidential. By sending us a Submission, you hereby grant, will grant, and agree to grant us an irrevocable and unrestricted worldwide license to use, modify, reproduce, adapt, transmit, sell, license and sub-license, create derivative works from, publicly display, perform, and distribute the Submission for any purpose whatsoever (commercial or otherwise), in any form, media, or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, alone or as part of other works, with no payment or other compensation to you. This grant includes the right to use the Submissions and any ideas, concepts, or know-how contained in the Submission for any purpose, including developing, manufacturing, distributing, or marketing products or services. Drive Thru Costa Rica may use any such Submissions without obligation. Third-Party Intellectual Property We will respond to claims of copyright and trademark infringement in accordance with applicable law. We will promptly process and investigate notices of alleged infringement by third parties and will take appropriate actions under applicable law, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(2). Reporting Infringement Only the intellectual property rights owner may report potentially infringing items through this reporting system. If you are not the intellectual property rights owner, you should contact the intellectual property rights owner, who can choose whether to use the procedures set forth in these Terms. If you believe that your work is the subject of copyright infringement or a trademark infringement, provide our copyright agent with the following information: 1.A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; 2.Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site; 3.Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material; 4.Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted; 5.A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and 6.A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Send the reporting information to our agent for notice of claims of copyright or trademark infringement as follows: 1.By email: 2.By mail: 30 N Gould St Ste 31144, Sheridan, WY 82801 Please note that for copyright infringements under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing is subject to liability for damages. Once a proper, bona fide notification of infringement is received by the designated agent, our policy is to: 1.Remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material; 2.Notify the User whose material has been removed or disabled; and 3.For repeat, flagrant, or bad-faith offenders, remove the allegedly infringing material from the Website and, in our discretion, terminate such User’s access to the Website and the Services. Responding to a Notice of Infringement If after receiving a notice of infringement, you may elect to send us a counter-notice. To be effective, the notice must be in writing, provided to our designated agent, and include substantially the following (please consult your own attorney or see 17 U.S.C. §512(g)(3) to confirm these requirements): A physical or electronic signature of the User; Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled; A statement under penalty of perjury that the User has a good-faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; and The User's name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the User consents to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if the user's address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which Drive Thru Costa Rica may be found, and that the user will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person. Send the notice to our agent for notice of claims of copyright or trademark infringement as follows: 1.By email: 2.By mail: 30 N Gould St Ste 31144, Sheridan, WY 82801 Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification is subject to liability for damages. Disclaimers and Limitations Your consent and agreement to the following disclaimers and limitations is a material inducement for us to permit you to access the Website or use the Services. Disclaimers THE WEBSITE AND ITS CONTENT, INCLUDING ALL PRODUCTS OR SERVICES FROM DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS THE APPLICABILITY OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES SET FORTH ON THIS WEBSITE TO ANY CUSTOMER TRANSACTION AND MAKES ONLY THOSE WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE SET FORTH IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO A CUSTOMER TRANSACTION. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO YOUR USE OF THIS WEBSITE IF THE OFFER OR SALE OF ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE OFFERED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE IS ILLEGAL IN YOUR JURISDICTION. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE CONTENT, FUNCTIONS, OR SERVICES CONTAINED IN OR ACCESSED THROUGH THE WEBSITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, ACCURATE, RELIABLE, OR ERROR-FREE. YOU, AND NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION IF THERE IS ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE WEBSITE, ITS CONTENT, OR ANY SERVICES. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE USE OF THE WEBSITE OR THE RESULTS OF ITS USE RELATED TO ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. THE WEBSITE MAY INCLUDE ERRORS (INCLUDING TECHNICAL OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS), AND WE MAY MAKE CHANGES TO THE WEBSITE AT ANY TIME, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. NEITHER DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA NOR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE DESIGN OR MAINTENANCE OF THE WEBSITE WILL BE HELD LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOSS, INJURY, OR MALFUNCTION ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR USE OF THIS WEBSITE OR THE SERVICES. Third Parties and Third-Party Websites The Website may contain links to other websites for your convenience and information. Links may be contained on pages, or in blog posts, emails from us, or newsletters we make available from time to time. Such links may be to advertisers, merchandise retailers, payment processors, content providers, social media or other companies who may use our logo or style as a result of a co-branding agreement. These websites may be operated by companies that are not affiliated with Drive Thru Costa Rica and may have different privacy policies and terms of use. Notwithstanding the presentation of, or links to, any third-party information or website on the Website, such presentation is not an endorsement, guarantee, representation, or warranty, either express or implied, by us on behalf of any third party. Drive Thru Costa Rica does not control the content that appears on these websites or their privacy practices. We hereby disclaim any liability or responsibility for the content, subject matter, or substance of any information accessed or obtained from third-party websites accessed from or via the Website. Accessing third-party websites from our Website is therefore done at your own risk. These Terms apply only to the Website and do not apply to any websites, even those controlled by us, that are linked to the Website. For access to the terms of use or privacy policies of linked websites, you should refer to the policies of those websites. Information Monitoring and Updates We attempt to ensure that information on the Website is complete, accurate, and current. Despite our efforts, the information on this Website may be inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date, and we make no representation to you about the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of any information on the Website, such as information about the nature or characteristics of any goods or services we provide, including pricing or terms of sale. While this Website facilitates transactions between customers and Drive Thru Costa Rica, not all terms of those transactions are available to users of the Website who are not attempting to complete such a transaction. Any terms offered or described on this Website from time to time may be different from those available at any given time to any customer or prospective customer. Viruses Drive Thru Costa Rica does not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the Internet and the myriad of risks it presents. We cannot and do not guarantee that the materials contained on this Website will be free of viruses, worms, or other code or related hazards that may have destructive properties (collectively, “Viruses”). It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient procedures, firewalls, checkpoints, and safeguards within your computer system to satisfy your particular requirements to protect against Viruses. Limitations of Liability IN NO EVENT WILL DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ITS AFFILIATES, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IF THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS ARE HELD INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE FOR ANY REASON, AND IF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS HELD RESPONSIBLE BY ANY COURT, THEN THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA TO YOU FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES WILL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA FOR GOODS OR SERVICES. Disputes Indemnification You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from any losses or liabilities including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of suit, arising out of any claims, actions, demands, liabilities, and settlements, including third-party claims and causes of action, arising out of or related to any one or more of the following: (1) your use of the Website or the Services; (2) information, including Submissions, that you submit, transmit, or otherwise make available via the Website; (3) your breach of these Terms; (4) your use of the intellectual property of a third party; (5) any investigations of or involving you or your conduct by Drive Thru Costa Rica, law enforcement, or governmental authorities; (6) your violation of any applicable law; (7) User-Generated Content submitted by you; (8) any use of your account or credentials to the extent not resulting from our negligence; and (9) your use of this Website to investigate, initiate, or complete a customer transaction, if the offer or sale of any products, good, or services offered through this Website is illegal in any jurisdiction to which you are subject. Release You, on behalf of your successors and assigns or heirs and personal representatives, as the case may be, hereby irrevocably and fully release Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, causes of action, arbitration, liabilities, obligations, damages, losses, penalties or fines known or unknown, arising out of or in connection with information or Submissions provided by third parties to, through, or in connection with the Website or Services. If you are a California resident, you expressly waive the provisions of California Civil Code §1542, which says: “A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR.” Dispute Resolution Governing Law. Wyoming law governs your use of the Website, the Services, and all disputes, claims, actions, suits, or other proceedings arising out of or related to the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy. Dispute Resolution. The parties shall first use good-faith efforts to attempt to resolve any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy by negotiation before bringing any action, other than an action for preliminary injunctive relief. Venue. Any mediation, dispute or court proceeding based on or arising out of the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy must be brought in the state or federal courts sitting in Sheridan, WY. Jurisdiction. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica hereby irrevocably consent to the personal jurisdiction by such courts. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica represent that such courts are a convenient forum. Time period for bringing claims. Regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim under these Terms or Privacy Policy must be brought within one (1) year after the cause of action arises, or such claim will be forever barred and deemed released. Fees and costs. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding under these Terms will be entitled to recover legal fees and other costs reasonably incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which the party may be entitled. Additional Provisions 1.Entire Agreement. These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica governing the Website or Services and supersede any prior agreements or understandings, oral or written, between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica with respect to the Website or the Services. Each of us represents to the other that we are not relying on any representations or promises not set forth in these Terms or the Privacy Policy. You also may be subject to additional contractual terms that may apply if you use or purchase certain Services of Drive Thru Costa Rica and enter into a separate agreement. 2.Waiver. The failure of Drive Thru Costa Rica to enforce any right in these Terms or the Privacy Policy will not constitute a waiver of any right or provision. 3.Severability. If any provision of these Terms or Privacy Policy is found by a court to be unenforceable for any reason, it will not affect any other provision, and these Terms or Privacy Policy will be construed without regard to the unenforceable provision. 4.Local Laws. The materials on the Website may not be appropriate or available for use in your location. Persons who choose to access the Website do so on their own initiative and at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with local laws, rules, and regulations applicable to them. Drive Thru Costa Rica may limit the Website's availability, in whole or in part, to any person, geographic area, or jurisdiction. 5.Relationship. These Terms do not create any partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, agency, or franchisor-franchisee relationship between the parties. 6.Assignment. Drive Thru Costa Rica may assign these Terms or Privacy Policy and delegate any of its obligations. Updated: May 8, 2024 Terms and Conditions of Sale These terms and conditions of sale (the “Sale Terms”) are between you and , a Wyoming limited liability company (“Drive Thru Costa Rica”) and effective as of the date of your purchase transaction (the “Purchase”). It is your obligation to review these Sale Terms before completing your Purchase. If you do not understand or have questions about the Sale Terms, please stop your Purchase and contact us at 1.Sale. By completing your Purchase, you purchase from Drive Thru Costa Rica, and Drive Thru Costa Rica sells to you, the Products, subject to these Sale Terms. 1.Cancellations. Your ability to cancel the Purchase depends on the specific details of your Purchase. Some Purchases may not be able to be canceled. To cancel, please cancel by signing into your account or contacting us at 2.Definitions 1.“Website” means the Drive Thru Costa Rica website located at 2.“Products” means the products that are the subject of the Purchase. 2.Payments 1.You shall pay the purchase price for the Products, plus all applicable sales taxes, shipping and handling fees, and other applicable fees or charges that have been disclosed to you in connection with the Purchase during the checkout process. 1.If you are exempt from sales taxes, or the Purchase is otherwise exempt from sales taxes, you must provide Drive Thru Costa Rica with appropriate documentation, and Drive Thru Costa Rica shall use reasonable efforts to avoid collecting sales taxes from you. 2.Shipping fees. Your Purchase is subject to the shipping fees set forth in your order during the checkout process. Additional shipping fees may apply if you are unable to accept delivery or refuse delivery, or if the shipping address is incorrect. Drive Thru Costa Rica cannot calculate such potential additional fees in advance for every situation. 3.We will charge your method of payment as disclosed to you and agreed to by you during the Checkout Process. 3.Warranties 1.Warranty. 1.The Products have a 24 hour notice required to warranty for defects in materials or workmanship. 2.If you have a warranty claim or you are otherwise dissatisfied with the Products for something not covered by the warranty, please contact us at, and we’ll see what we can do to help you. 3.Disclaimers 1.THE PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THESE SALE TERMS. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 2.DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO YOUR PURCHASE OR USE OF THE PRODUCTS IF THE OFFER OR SALE OF THE PRODUCTS IS ILLEGAL IN YOUR JURISDICTION. 2.Returns/exchanges 1.Damaged 1.If your Products are damaged at the time of delivery, we will repair or replace them free of additional charge. 2.Please contact us at, and we will coordinate the return and repair/replacement process with you. 3.If, however, risk of loss transferred to you before shipping, then you will be responsible for arranging compensation for damages with the shipping company. Drive Thru Costa Rica shall use reasonable efforts to assist you in proving that the Products were not damaged when transferred to the shipping company. 2.Defective 1.If the Products are defective and still within the warranty period, we will repair or replace them free of charge. 2.The Customer will pay the shipping costs to return a defective product. Please contact us at, and we will coordinate the return and repair/replacement process with you. 3.Wrong item 1.If you received one or more incorrect items instead of the Products, we will replace them free of additional charge. 2.Please contact us at, and we will coordinate the return and replacement process with you. 3.Exchanges and Returns. In some cases, you may be able to exchange a product or return it. 1.Products may be returned for a refund within 30 days days of purchase. 2.Please contact us at, and we will coordinate the return and replacement process with you. 3.Custom or personalized products may not be returned unless they are damaged or defective. 4.Products not returned in like-new condition may be subject to an adjustment in the applicable refund amount for wear and tear. 5.Products not returned in their original packaging, if applicable, may be subject to an adjustment in the applicable refund amount for repackaging. 6.The customer will pay shipping for a non-warranty return or exchange. 4.Intellectual Property 1.Rights 1.Drive Thru Costa Rica owns all intellectual property rights relating to the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand and other content including: copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade dress, logo, patents and patentable subject matter, trade secrets, and data elements and other Content that has or provides the “look and feel” of the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand image, as well as our own content, including the text, graphics, programming (including source and object code), photographs, video, or audio contained in, displayed on, or embodied in, the Products (the “Intellectual Property”). Any other intellectual property not owned by Drive Thru Costa Rica is the property of its respective owner or licensee, as the case may be. 2.We reserve all rights to all of our Intellectual Property. Your Purchase does not grant you any rights or licenses relating to the Intellectual Property, except as expressly provided for in these Sale Terms. 3.You may not display, copy, modify, create derivative works of, sell, or distribute any of the Intellectual Property, separately from a resale of the entire Product as a single whole, or use it separately in any other way for public or commercial purposes except in accordance with these Sale Terms. 2.Submissions. Any information, materials, suggestions, ideas, or comments you send to us (each, a “Submission”) that are not User Generated Content under the Terms, are deemed non-confidential. By sending us a Submission, you hereby grant, will grant, and agree to grant us an irrevocable and unrestricted worldwide license to use, modify, reproduce, adapt, transmit, sell, license and sub-license, create derivative works from, publicly display, perform, and distribute the Submission for any purpose whatsoever (commercial or otherwise), in any form, media, or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, alone or as part of other works, with no payment or other compensation to you. This grant includes the right to use the Submissions and any ideas, concepts, or know-how contained in the Submission for any purpose, including developing, manufacturing, distributing, or marketing products or services. Drive Thru Costa Rica may use any such Submissions without obligation. 5.Additional Terms 1.Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT WILL DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ITS AFFILIATES, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IF THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS ARE HELD INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE FOR ANY REASON, AND IF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS HELD RESPONSIBLE BY ANY COURT, THEN THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA TO YOU FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES WILL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA FOR GOODS OR SERVICES. 2.Indemnification. You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from any losses or liabilities including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of suit, arising out of any claims, actions, demands, liabilities, and settlements, including third-party claims and causes of action, arising out of or related to any one or more of the following: (1) information, including Submissions, that you submit, transmit, or otherwise make available to us; (2) your breach of these Sale Terms; (3) any investigations of or involving you or your conduct by Drive Thru Costa Rica, law enforcement, or governmental authorities; (4) your violation of any applicable law; and (5), if the offer or sale of the Products is illegal in your jurisdiction, your use of the Website to investigate, initiate, or complete a customer transaction. 3.Dispute Resolution 1.Governing Law. Wyoming law governs your Purchase and all disputes, claims, actions, suits, or other proceedings arising out of or related to your Purchase or these Sale Terms. 2.Venue. Any mediation, dispute, arbitration, or court proceeding based on or arising out of the Purchase or these Sale Terms must be brought in the state or federal courts sitting in Sheridan, WY. 3.Jurisdiction. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica hereby irrevocably consent to the personal jurisdiction by such courts. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica represent that such courts are a convenient forum. 4.Fees and costs. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding under these Sale Terms will be entitled to recover legal fees and other costs reasonably incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which the party may be entitled. 4.Entire Agreement. These Sale Terms and the terms of your Purchase chosen during the checkout process (the “Checkout Terms”) constitute the entire agreement between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica. These Sale Terms supersede the Drive Thru Costa Rica Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to the extent of any conflicts between them and these Sale Terms. Each of us represents to the other that we are not relying on any representations or promises not set forth in these Sale Terms or the Checkout Terms. 5.Waiver. The failure of Drive Thru Costa Rica to enforce any term in these Sale Terms will not constitute a waiver of any term. 6.Severability. If any provision of these Sale Terms is found by a court to be unenforceable for any reason, it will not affect any other provision, and these Sale Terms will be construed without regard to the unenforceable provision. 7.Assignment. Drive Thru Costa Rica may assign these Sale Terms or the Checkout Terms and may delegate any of its obligations. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, LLC E-Commerce Terms of Use Introduction Welcome to! By using our website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms of use (the “Terms”), which incorporate by reference our Privacy Policy, located at, and agree to be bound by the Terms. It is your obligation to review these Terms before using the Website. If you do not understand or have questions about the Terms, please stop all use of the Website and contact us at Any changes to these Terms will be effective immediately upon our posting them to the Website, unless otherwise stated. We reserve the right to change the contents of the Website at any time, with or without notice. These Terms apply only to the Website and do not apply to any websites, even those controlled by us, that are linked to the Website. For access to the terms of use or privacy policies of linked websites, you should refer to the policies of those websites. If you become a customer of Drive Thru Costa Rica, these Terms and the Privacy Policy will be superseded by the terms and conditions applicable to that relationship to the extent of any conflicts between them. Definitions •“Drive Thru Costa Rica” means , a Wyoming limited liability company, who is the owner and operator of the Website. •“Website” means the website located at •“Content” means any and all material, existing or having existed on the Website in any fashion from any origin and in any form whether digital, electronic, posted, deleted, archived, embedded, or linked or contained in any subpage of the Website or existing as data, designs, text (on every page of the Website, whether editorial, navigational, or instructional), images, graphics (including all logos, buttons, and other graphical elements on the Website, including the color combinations and the page layout of the Website, with the exception of trademarks and intellectual property belonging to third parties), code or programming (includes both client-side code and server-side code (including compiled or interpreted code in any computer language, databases, etc.) used on the Website), and includes all material that we have provided on or as part of the Website or which any Users have submitted, posted, uploaded, or otherwise provided to the Website. •“Customer” means any person or entity who investigates, initiates, or completes a transaction for Services with Drive Thru Costa Rica. •“Services” means any of the products, goods, or services provided by or through Drive Thru Costa Rica. •“User” means any person or entity, as the case may be, who accesses the Website. As a User, you are subject to these Terms and our Privacy Policy and agree to abide by all terms and conditions contained in these Terms. Usage and Access GENERAL USE OF THIS WEBSITE We hereby grant you a limited license to view and use the website solely as an aid to properly engaging with the Website as a User. You may use the Website only in a manner consistent with your bona fide personal or internal business needs. If a Customer creates an account on the Website, then Customer shall ensure that all users of Customer’s account, whether or not they have separate usernames or passwords, comply with the restrictions on use and disclosure set forth in this Agreement. Customer is responsible for, including being liable to Drive Thru Costa Rica for, (1) any person’s use of the Website that is authorized or permitted by Customer, including any use or conduct that violates the AUP or other requirements of these Terms applicable to Customer; and (2) any use of the Website through Customer’s account, whether authorized or unauthorized. Customer is responsible to, at its discretion, arrange for or establish the liability to Customer of any such person for their actions or omissions. Customer shall use reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to the Website, including by protecting its passwords and other log-in information. Customer shall notify Drive Thru Costa Rica promptly following Customer’s knowledge, awareness, or good-faith suspicion that Customer’s log-in information has been compromised. Customer shall notify Drive Thru Costa Rica immediately of any known or suspected unauthorized use of the Website or breach of its security and shall use reasonable efforts to halt and remediate any such breach. The Website and any Services are not intended for the use of children under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 may not use or submit any information to the Website, and their guardians should not permit them to do so. Individuals older than 13 but under the age of 18 may access the Website only under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Terms and responsible for all of the User’s actions taken on the Website. These age restrictions are based on applicable law for the benefit of such children. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF THE WEBSITE Any unauthorized use by you or on your behalf, including as described in this section of these Terms, will automatically terminate the license granted by us, and you may not thereafter use the Website for any personal or business purpose. Except as provided in these Terms or by the Website itself, you may not: •use (or plan, encourage or help others to use) the Website for any purpose or in any manner that is prohibited by these Terms or by applicable law; •download (other than page caching), excerpt, summarize, copy, or create derivative works from any portion of the Website; •gather information from the Website from data mining, robots, spiders, or similar extraction tools; •interfere with the proper operation of the Website including by attacking, hacking into, or otherwise attempting to penetrate any non-publicly accessible elements of the Website or its servers or network, through the use of bots, Trojan horses, Viruses, DNS attacks, or any other technology that is designed or intended to interfere with the proper operation of the Website or the use of the Website by any User; •circumvent or attempt to circumvent any security or access control technology implemented on the Website or its associated servers and networks; •advertise or otherwise engage in any commercial endeavor, including any pyramid, network marketing, Ponzi, or similar scheme; •impersonate or misrepresent your connection to any other entity or person or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of the content; •disrupt the normal flow of communications or affect the ability of any User to use this Website; or •advocate illegal activity or an intention to commit an illegal act or violate any applicable local, state, national or international law. TERMINATION OF ACCESS Use of this Website is not a legal right. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Website for any reason or no reason at any time, in our sole discretion without considering the potential ramifications on you and your activities. Drive Thru Costa Rica may immediately terminate or suspend any person’s access to the Website, without advance notice, if Drive Thru Costa Rica believes in good faith that there has been a violation of these Terms or any other applicable agreement. Drive Thru Costa Rica shall use reasonable efforts to provide written notice to Customer as soon as practicable following any such termination or suspension of access. Neither these Terms nor the AUP require that Drive Thru Costa Rica enforce the AUP or these Terms against Customer or any user or other person. Drive Thru Costa Rica reserves the right to take such action, or no action, as it may determine from time to time. Information You Provide User-Generated Content The Website may allow you to post information or data in a variety of forms to dedicated sections of the Website, such as support forums or similar message boards. The purpose of these sections, unless otherwise specified, is to support the business of Drive Thru Costa Rica and the related needs of its Users and Customers. “User-Generated Content” means any content created or publicly posted by you to the Website. You hereby irrevocably grant to Drive Thru Costa Rica a worldwide, perpetual, fully paid, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, transferable right to use, publish, broadcast, post online, and copyright (1) your name, voice, picture, portrait, and likeness (“Identity Materials”) as such Identity Materials appear in connection with the User-Generated Content and (2) the User-Generated Content in, and in connection with, advertising, marketing, and promoting Drive Thru Costa Rica, its products and services, or its events, in whole or in part, by any means, media, devices, processes, and technology, whether now known or hereafter developed. You acknowledge that Drive Thru Costa Rica may modify the User-Generated Content for formatting, navigation, integration, or other purposes, provided that Drive Thru Costa Rica uses good-faith efforts to ensure that such modifications do not materially distort such User-Generated Content. You hereby waive and shall not enforce any conflicting rights in the User-Generated Content, including any moral rights that you may have under applicable law. You hereby consent to the appearance and use of the Identity Materials in any advertisement, promotional media, or other media without submitting such proposed uses to you for any further approval. You hereby release Drive Thru Costa Rica from any liability to you for any distortion or illusionary effect resulting from the publication of your Identity Materials. Drive Thru Costa Rica is not required to use any of these rights granted by you to retain these rights. Representations - You represent to Drive Thru Costa Rica that: You have the necessary authority to grant the rights described in these Terms; You have created the User-Generated Content or have the necessary rights to publish the User-Generated Content to the Website; You have the necessary rights and consents to publish the Identity Materials of any person appearing in your User-Generated Content; Your grant of rights to Drive Thru Costa Rica under these Terms will not violate the rights of any third party or violate any applicable laws, including consumer protection, privacy, copyright, trademark, unfair competition, and trade laws; The User-Generated Content does not violate any provision of these Terms, including that it does not contain any viruses or other harmful code and is not defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, indecent, threatening, harassing, hateful, or offensive or otherwise unlawful. We do not assume any obligation to review or monitor the Content or other information submitted to the Website by third parties. We may review some, none, or all of the information submitted to the Website. We reserve the right to remove, edit, or reject any information submitted to the Website for any reason or no reason. You assume the responsibility of verifying the accuracy of any posted information through your own independent investigation. ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY 1. Unacceptable Use Drive Thru Costa Rica requires that all customers and other users of the Website conduct themselves with respect for others. In particular, observe the following rules in your use of the Website: •Abusive Behavior: Do not harass, threaten, or defame any person. Do not contact any person who has requested no further contact. Do not use ethnic or religious slurs against any person or group. •Privacy: Do not violate the privacy rights of any person. Do not collect or disclose any personal address, social security number, or other personally identifiable information without each person’s written permission. Do not cooperate in or facilitate identity theft. •Intellectual Property: We respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask you to do the same. Do not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property rights of any person. Do not reproduce, publish, or disseminate software, audio recordings, video recordings, photographs, articles, or other works of authorship without the written permission of the copyright holder. We may, in appropriate circumstances, terminate or suspend use of the Website to Users who infringe the intellectual property rights of others. •Hacking, Viruses, & Network Attacks: Do not access any computer or communications system without authorization, including the computers used to provide the Website. Do not attempt to penetrate or disable any security system. Do not intentionally distribute a computer virus, launch a denial-of-service attack, or in any other way attempt to interfere with the functioning of any computer, communications system, or website. Do not attempt to access or otherwise interfere with the accounts of other users of the Website. •Violations of Law: Do not violate any law. •Customer Use Only: Your use of the Website is limited to your personal or internal business purposes only. Do not (1) sell, re-license, rent, lease, or provide service bureau or timeshare access to the Website; (2) use the Website to provide the same or similar services to third parties; or (3) create derivative works from, distribute, or in any way exploit the Website. Do not permit anyone other than your authorized users to access the Website, whether on a for-profit, loan, gratuitous, temporary, or other basis, whether through consulting, training, or other services provided by you, or in any other manner, except with the express prior written consent of Drive Thru Costa Rica. 2. Consequences of Violation Violation of this acceptable use policy (this “AUP”) may lead to suspension or termination of the user’s account or the customer’s account or the initiation of legal action. In addition, the user or customer may be required to pay for the costs of investigation and remedial action related to AUP violations. Drive Thru Costa Rica reserves the right to take any other remedial action that it determines in good faith is necessary or advisable. 3. Reporting Unacceptable Use Drive Thru Costa Rica requests that anyone with information about a violation of this AUP report it at Please provide the date and time (with time zone) of the violation and any identifying information regarding the violator, including email or IP (Internet Protocol) address if available, as well as details of the violation. 4. Disclosure We reserve the right to cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court orders requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone posting any messages or publishing or otherwise making available any materials that are believed to violate these Terms or applicable law. You consent to our disclosure, without your further consent or notice, of your IP address, username, name, IP location or other information as required by any subpoena issued to us by a court or from a law enforcement or government agency. We may challenge any such subpoena on legal grounds but are not required to do so. 5. Revisions to the AUP Drive Thru Costa Rica may change this AUP at any time by posting a new version on this page on the Website. The new version will become effective on the date of such notice. Other Information You Provide If you choose to provide any personal information via this Website that is not User-Generated Content, the information will be used only for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy We may collect or share certain information based on your usage of the Website, as described in, and subject to, our Privacy Policy. To facilitate communications between you and us, this Website offers you the ability to contact us. Although we strive to protect and secure our online communications, and use the security measures detailed in our Privacy Policy to protect your information, you and we both acknowledge that no data transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure and that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. You agree to release us from (1) any liability to you for any unaccepted or unprocessed email instructions or requests and (2) from any loss or damage arising out of any unauthorized use by third parties of any information that you send by email. If you would like to transmit sensitive information to us, please contact us, without including the sensitive information, to arrange a more secure means of communication. Prohibited Information Please do not send us any confidential or proprietary information or trade secrets through the Website. They are not protected by any confidentiality agreement, and you do so at your own risk. Information you submit through the Website or otherwise may not contain: •commercial speech, such as links to other websites, solicit money or offer securities, or contain any chain letters, pyramid schemes, or spam; •the intellectual property of a third party, including trade secrets, except in accordance with applicable law (that is, fair use or appropriate permission) or infringe on such IP; •material that is false or misleading or impersonates another person, or misstates or misleads as to identity, gender, or age; •material that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, or otherwise unlawful; •viruses, worms, time bombs, Trojan horses, or other harmful or disruptive components or links to such items; or •any robot, spider, website search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, “data mine,” or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Website or its contents. Intellectual Property Rights Drive Thru Costa Rica owns all intellectual property rights relating to the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand and other content including: copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade dress, logo, patents and patentable subject matter, trade secrets, and data elements and other Content that has or provides the “look and feel” of the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand image, as well as our own Content, including the text, graphics, programming (including source and object code), photographs, video, and audio contained in the Website (the “Intellectual Property”). All other intellectual property not owned by Drive Thru Costa Rica is the property of its respective owner or licensee, as the case may be. We reserve all rights to all of our Intellectual Property. Your use of the Website does not grant you any rights or licenses relating to the Intellectual Property, except as expressly provided for in these Terms. You may not display, copy, modify, create derivative works of, sell, or distribute any of the Intellectual Property, or use it in any other way for public or commercial purposes except in accordance with these Terms and the intended purpose of the Website. Subject to the Privacy Policy, any information, materials, suggestions, ideas, or comments you send to us (each, a “Submission”) are deemed non-confidential. By sending us a Submission, you hereby grant, will grant, and agree to grant us an irrevocable and unrestricted worldwide license to use, modify, reproduce, adapt, transmit, sell, license and sub-license, create derivative works from, publicly display, perform, and distribute the Submission for any purpose whatsoever (commercial or otherwise), in any form, media, or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, alone or as part of other works, with no payment or other compensation to you. This grant includes the right to use the Submissions and any ideas, concepts, or know-how contained in the Submission for any purpose, including developing, manufacturing, distributing, or marketing products or services. Drive Thru Costa Rica may use any such Submissions without obligation. Third-Party Intellectual Property We will respond to claims of copyright and trademark infringement in accordance with applicable law. We will promptly process and investigate notices of alleged infringement by third parties and will take appropriate actions under applicable law, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(2). Reporting Infringement Only the intellectual property rights owner may report potentially infringing items through this reporting system. If you are not the intellectual property rights owner, you should contact the intellectual property rights owner, who can choose whether to use the procedures set forth in these Terms. If you believe that your work is the subject of copyright infringement or a trademark infringement, provide our copyright agent with the following information: 1.A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; 2.Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site; 3.Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material; 4.Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted; 5.A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and 6.A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Send the reporting information to our agent for notice of claims of copyright or trademark infringement as follows: 1.By email: 2.By mail: 30 N Gould St Ste 31144, Sheridan, WY 82801 Please note that for copyright infringements under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing is subject to liability for damages. Once a proper, bona fide notification of infringement is received by the designated agent, our policy is to: 1.Remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material; 2.Notify the User whose material has been removed or disabled; and 3.For repeat, flagrant, or bad-faith offenders, remove the allegedly infringing material from the Website and, in our discretion, terminate such User’s access to the Website and the Services. Responding to a Notice of Infringement If after receiving a notice of infringement, you may elect to send us a counter-notice. To be effective, the notice must be in writing, provided to our designated agent, and include substantially the following (please consult your own attorney or see 17 U.S.C. §512(g)(3) to confirm these requirements): A physical or electronic signature of the User; Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled; A statement under penalty of perjury that the User has a good-faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; and The User's name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the User consents to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if the user's address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which Drive Thru Costa Rica may be found, and that the user will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person. Send the notice to our agent for notice of claims of copyright or trademark infringement as follows: 1.By email: 2.By mail: 30 N Gould St Ste 31144, Sheridan, WY 82801 Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification is subject to liability for damages. Disclaimers and Limitations Your consent and agreement to the following disclaimers and limitations is a material inducement for us to permit you to access the Website or use the Services. Disclaimers THE WEBSITE AND ITS CONTENT, INCLUDING ALL PRODUCTS OR SERVICES FROM DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS THE APPLICABILITY OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES SET FORTH ON THIS WEBSITE TO ANY CUSTOMER TRANSACTION AND MAKES ONLY THOSE WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE SET FORTH IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO A CUSTOMER TRANSACTION. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO YOUR USE OF THIS WEBSITE IF THE OFFER OR SALE OF ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE OFFERED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE IS ILLEGAL IN YOUR JURISDICTION. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE CONTENT, FUNCTIONS, OR SERVICES CONTAINED IN OR ACCESSED THROUGH THE WEBSITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, ACCURATE, RELIABLE, OR ERROR-FREE. YOU, AND NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION IF THERE IS ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE WEBSITE, ITS CONTENT, OR ANY SERVICES. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE USE OF THE WEBSITE OR THE RESULTS OF ITS USE RELATED TO ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. THE WEBSITE MAY INCLUDE ERRORS (INCLUDING TECHNICAL OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS), AND WE MAY MAKE CHANGES TO THE WEBSITE AT ANY TIME, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. NEITHER DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA NOR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE DESIGN OR MAINTENANCE OF THE WEBSITE WILL BE HELD LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOSS, INJURY, OR MALFUNCTION ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR USE OF THIS WEBSITE OR THE SERVICES. Third Parties and Third-Party Websites The Website may contain links to other websites for your convenience and information. Links may be contained on pages, or in blog posts, emails from us, or newsletters we make available from time to time. Such links may be to advertisers, merchandise retailers, payment processors, content providers, social media or other companies who may use our logo or style as a result of a co-branding agreement. These websites may be operated by companies that are not affiliated with Drive Thru Costa Rica and may have different privacy policies and terms of use. Notwithstanding the presentation of, or links to, any third-party information or website on the Website, such presentation is not an endorsement, guarantee, representation, or warranty, either express or implied, by us on behalf of any third party. Drive Thru Costa Rica does not control the content that appears on these websites or their privacy practices. We hereby disclaim any liability or responsibility for the content, subject matter, or substance of any information accessed or obtained from third-party websites accessed from or via the Website. Accessing third-party websites from our Website is therefore done at your own risk. These Terms apply only to the Website and do not apply to any websites, even those controlled by us, that are linked to the Website. For access to the terms of use or privacy policies of linked websites, you should refer to the policies of those websites. Information Monitoring and Updates We attempt to ensure that information on the Website is complete, accurate, and current. Despite our efforts, the information on this Website may be inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date, and we make no representation to you about the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of any information on the Website, such as information about the nature or characteristics of any goods or services we provide, including pricing or terms of sale. While this Website facilitates transactions between customers and Drive Thru Costa Rica, not all terms of those transactions are available to users of the Website who are not attempting to complete such a transaction. Any terms offered or described on this Website from time to time may be different from those available at any given time to any customer or prospective customer. Viruses Drive Thru Costa Rica does not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the Internet and the myriad of risks it presents. We cannot and do not guarantee that the materials contained on this Website will be free of viruses, worms, or other code or related hazards that may have destructive properties (collectively, “Viruses”). It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient procedures, firewalls, checkpoints, and safeguards within your computer system to satisfy your particular requirements to protect against Viruses. Limitations of Liability IN NO EVENT WILL DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ITS AFFILIATES, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IF THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS ARE HELD INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE FOR ANY REASON, AND IF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS HELD RESPONSIBLE BY ANY COURT, THEN THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA TO YOU FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES WILL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA FOR GOODS OR SERVICES. Disputes Indemnification You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from any losses or liabilities including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of suit, arising out of any claims, actions, demands, liabilities, and settlements, including third-party claims and causes of action, arising out of or related to any one or more of the following: (1) your use of the Website or the Services; (2) information, including Submissions, that you submit, transmit, or otherwise make available via the Website; (3) your breach of these Terms; (4) your use of the intellectual property of a third party; (5) any investigations of or involving you or your conduct by Drive Thru Costa Rica, law enforcement, or governmental authorities; (6) your violation of any applicable law; (7) User-Generated Content submitted by you; (8) any use of your account or credentials to the extent not resulting from our negligence; and (9) your use of this Website to investigate, initiate, or complete a customer transaction, if the offer or sale of any products, good, or services offered through this Website is illegal in any jurisdiction to which you are subject. Release You, on behalf of your successors and assigns or heirs and personal representatives, as the case may be, hereby irrevocably and fully release Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, causes of action, arbitration, liabilities, obligations, damages, losses, penalties or fines known or unknown, arising out of or in connection with information or Submissions provided by third parties to, through, or in connection with the Website or Services. If you are a California resident, you expressly waive the provisions of California Civil Code §1542, which says: “A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR.” Dispute Resolution Governing Law. Wyoming law governs your use of the Website, the Services, and all disputes, claims, actions, suits, or other proceedings arising out of or related to the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy. Dispute Resolution. The parties shall first use good-faith efforts to attempt to resolve any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy by negotiation before bringing any action, other than an action for preliminary injunctive relief. Venue. Any mediation, dispute or court proceeding based on or arising out of the Website, the Services, these Terms, or the Privacy Policy must be brought in the state or federal courts sitting in Sheridan, WY. Jurisdiction. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica hereby irrevocably consent to the personal jurisdiction by such courts. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica represent that such courts are a convenient forum. Time period for bringing claims. Regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim under these Terms or Privacy Policy must be brought within one (1) year after the cause of action arises, or such claim will be forever barred and deemed released. Fees and costs. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding under these Terms will be entitled to recover legal fees and other costs reasonably incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which the party may be entitled. Additional Provisions 1.Entire Agreement. These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica governing the Website or Services and supersede any prior agreements or understandings, oral or written, between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica with respect to the Website or the Services. Each of us represents to the other that we are not relying on any representations or promises not set forth in these Terms or the Privacy Policy. You also may be subject to additional contractual terms that may apply if you use or purchase certain Services of Drive Thru Costa Rica and enter into a separate agreement. 2.Waiver. The failure of Drive Thru Costa Rica to enforce any right in these Terms or the Privacy Policy will not constitute a waiver of any right or provision. 3.Severability. If any provision of these Terms or Privacy Policy is found by a court to be unenforceable for any reason, it will not affect any other provision, and these Terms or Privacy Policy will be construed without regard to the unenforceable provision. 4.Local Laws. The materials on the Website may not be appropriate or available for use in your location. Persons who choose to access the Website do so on their own initiative and at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with local laws, rules, and regulations applicable to them. Drive Thru Costa Rica may limit the Website's availability, in whole or in part, to any person, geographic area, or jurisdiction. 5.Relationship. These Terms do not create any partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, agency, or franchisor-franchisee relationship between the parties. 6.Assignment. Drive Thru Costa Rica may assign these Terms or Privacy Policy and delegate any of its obligations. Updated: May 8, 2024 Terms and Conditions of Sale These terms and conditions of sale (the “Sale Terms”) are between you and , a Wyoming limited liability company (“Drive Thru Costa Rica”) and effective as of the date of your purchase transaction (the “Purchase”). It is your obligation to review these Sale Terms before completing your Purchase. If you do not understand or have questions about the Sale Terms, please stop your Purchase and contact us at 1.Sale. By completing your Purchase, you purchase from Drive Thru Costa Rica, and Drive Thru Costa Rica sells to you, the Products, subject to these Sale Terms. 1.Cancellations. Your ability to cancel the Purchase depends on the specific details of your Purchase. Some Purchases may not be able to be canceled. To cancel, please cancel by signing into your account or contacting us at 2.Definitions 1.“Website” means the Drive Thru Costa Rica website located at 2.“Products” means the products that are the subject of the Purchase. 2.Payments 1.You shall pay the purchase price for the Products, plus all applicable sales taxes, shipping and handling fees, and other applicable fees or charges that have been disclosed to you in connection with the Purchase during the checkout process. 1.If you are exempt from sales taxes, or the Purchase is otherwise exempt from sales taxes, you must provide Drive Thru Costa Rica with appropriate documentation, and Drive Thru Costa Rica shall use reasonable efforts to avoid collecting sales taxes from you. 2.Shipping fees. Your Purchase is subject to the shipping fees set forth in your order during the checkout process. Additional shipping fees may apply if you are unable to accept delivery or refuse delivery, or if the shipping address is incorrect. Drive Thru Costa Rica cannot calculate such potential additional fees in advance for every situation. 3.We will charge your method of payment as disclosed to you and agreed to by you during the Checkout Process. 3.Warranties 1.Warranty. 1.The Products have a 24 hour notice required to warranty for defects in materials or workmanship. 2.If you have a warranty claim or you are otherwise dissatisfied with the Products for something not covered by the warranty, please contact us at, and we’ll see what we can do to help you. 3.Disclaimers 1.THE PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THESE SALE TERMS. DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 2.DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO YOUR PURCHASE OR USE OF THE PRODUCTS IF THE OFFER OR SALE OF THE PRODUCTS IS ILLEGAL IN YOUR JURISDICTION. 2.Returns/exchanges 1.Damaged 1.If your Products are damaged at the time of delivery, we will repair or replace them free of additional charge. 2.Please contact us at, and we will coordinate the return and repair/replacement process with you. 3.If, however, risk of loss transferred to you before shipping, then you will be responsible for arranging compensation for damages with the shipping company. Drive Thru Costa Rica shall use reasonable efforts to assist you in proving that the Products were not damaged when transferred to the shipping company. 2.Defective 1.If the Products are defective and still within the warranty period, we will repair or replace them free of charge. 2.The Customer will pay the shipping costs to return a defective product. Please contact us at, and we will coordinate the return and repair/replacement process with you. 3.Wrong item 1.If you received one or more incorrect items instead of the Products, we will replace them free of additional charge. 2.Please contact us at, and we will coordinate the return and replacement process with you. 3.Exchanges and Returns. In some cases, you may be able to exchange a product or return it. 1.Products may be returned for a refund within 30 days days of purchase. 2.Please contact us at, and we will coordinate the return and replacement process with you. 3.Custom or personalized products may not be returned unless they are damaged or defective. 4.Products not returned in like-new condition may be subject to an adjustment in the applicable refund amount for wear and tear. 5.Products not returned in their original packaging, if applicable, may be subject to an adjustment in the applicable refund amount for repackaging. 6.The customer will pay shipping for a non-warranty return or exchange. 4.Intellectual Property 1.Rights 1.Drive Thru Costa Rica owns all intellectual property rights relating to the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand and other content including: copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade dress, logo, patents and patentable subject matter, trade secrets, and data elements and other Content that has or provides the “look and feel” of the Drive Thru Costa Rica brand image, as well as our own content, including the text, graphics, programming (including source and object code), photographs, video, or audio contained in, displayed on, or embodied in, the Products (the “Intellectual Property”). Any other intellectual property not owned by Drive Thru Costa Rica is the property of its respective owner or licensee, as the case may be. 2.We reserve all rights to all of our Intellectual Property. Your Purchase does not grant you any rights or licenses relating to the Intellectual Property, except as expressly provided for in these Sale Terms. 3.You may not display, copy, modify, create derivative works of, sell, or distribute any of the Intellectual Property, separately from a resale of the entire Product as a single whole, or use it separately in any other way for public or commercial purposes except in accordance with these Sale Terms. 2.Submissions. Any information, materials, suggestions, ideas, or comments you send to us (each, a “Submission”) that are not User Generated Content under the Terms, are deemed non-confidential. By sending us a Submission, you hereby grant, will grant, and agree to grant us an irrevocable and unrestricted worldwide license to use, modify, reproduce, adapt, transmit, sell, license and sub-license, create derivative works from, publicly display, perform, and distribute the Submission for any purpose whatsoever (commercial or otherwise), in any form, media, or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, alone or as part of other works, with no payment or other compensation to you. This grant includes the right to use the Submissions and any ideas, concepts, or know-how contained in the Submission for any purpose, including developing, manufacturing, distributing, or marketing products or services. Drive Thru Costa Rica may use any such Submissions without obligation. 5.Additional Terms 1.Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT WILL DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA, ITS AFFILIATES, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IF THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS ARE HELD INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE FOR ANY REASON, AND IF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA IS HELD RESPONSIBLE BY ANY COURT, THEN THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA TO YOU FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES WILL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID DRIVE THRU COSTA RICA FOR GOODS OR SERVICES. 2.Indemnification. You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Drive Thru Costa Rica, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, managers, agents, employees, and contractors from any losses or liabilities including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of suit, arising out of any claims, actions, demands, liabilities, and settlements, including third-party claims and causes of action, arising out of or related to any one or more of the following: (1) information, including Submissions, that you submit, transmit, or otherwise make available to us; (2) your breach of these Sale Terms; (3) any investigations of or involving you or your conduct by Drive Thru Costa Rica, law enforcement, or governmental authorities; (4) your violation of any applicable law; and (5), if the offer or sale of the Products is illegal in your jurisdiction, your use of the Website to investigate, initiate, or complete a customer transaction. 3.Dispute Resolution 1.Governing Law. Wyoming law governs your Purchase and all disputes, claims, actions, suits, or other proceedings arising out of or related to your Purchase or these Sale Terms. 2.Venue. Any mediation, dispute, arbitration, or court proceeding based on or arising out of the Purchase or these Sale Terms must be brought in the state or federal courts sitting in Sheridan, WY. 3.Jurisdiction. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica hereby irrevocably consent to the personal jurisdiction by such courts. You and Drive Thru Costa Rica represent that such courts are a convenient forum. 4.Fees and costs. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding under these Sale Terms will be entitled to recover legal fees and other costs reasonably incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which the party may be entitled. 4.Entire Agreement. These Sale Terms and the terms of your Purchase chosen during the checkout process (the “Checkout Terms”) constitute the entire agreement between you and Drive Thru Costa Rica. These Sale Terms supersede the Drive Thru Costa Rica Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to the extent of any conflicts between them and these Sale Terms. Each of us represents to the other that we are not relying on any representations or promises not set forth in these Sale Terms or the Checkout Terms. 5.Waiver. The failure of Drive Thru Costa Rica to enforce any term in these Sale Terms will not constitute a waiver of any term. 6.Severability. If any provision of these Sale Terms is found by a court to be unenforceable for any reason, it will not affect any other provision, and these Sale Terms will be construed without regard to the unenforceable provision. 7.Assignment. Drive Thru Costa Rica may assign these Sale Terms or the Checkout Terms and may delegate any of its obligations.

Contrato de Servicios CONTRATO DE SERVICIOS Entre nosotros, “EL CONTRATISTA”; el cual fue debidamente identificado mediante formulario llenado en las página web y; y Drive Thru Costa Rica, LLC, una sociedad inscrita en el estado Wyoming, Estados Unidos de América, representada por su Gerente, Matthew Galbreth, en adelante denominada “LA CONTRATANTE” , hemos convenido en celebrar el presente CONTRATO PARA LA PRESTACIÓN DE SERVICIOS, que se regirá por la legislación costarricense y en especial por las siguientes cláusulas: ANTECEDENTES: (I)EL CONTRATISTA es un Contratista y propietario o arrendatario de un vehículo de transporte turístico, debidamente registrado como tal ante el Instituto Costarricense de Turismo. (en adelante “Contratista”). (II)LA CONTRATANTE es una sociedad domiciliada en Wyoming, Estados Unidos de América, dedicada a servicios de desarrollo web, la cual proveerá al Contratista con clientes para que preste su servicio de transporte dentro del territorio costarricense. POR TANTO, siendo de beneficio mutuo para ambos contratantes, acordamos en celebrar el presente Contrato de Servicios, que se regirá por las siguientes cláusulas: PRIMERA: OBJETO.- El CONTRATISTA le prestará sus servicios en su pericia indicada previamente. La relación contractual de ambas partes será que EL CONTRATISTA pone en contacto al CONTRATANTE con un potencial pasajero para ofrecerle sus servicios en una fecha establecida, para que lo movilice dentro del país dentro de los parámetros de la reserva, la relación se detalla de la siguiente manera: 1.Las páginas web indicadas anteriormente, son una Plataforma donde un Pasajero paga un depósito, mediante un Servicio de procesamiento de pago seguro con tarjeta de crédito o débito, PayPal o algún otro medio de pago disponible. o por otros medios puestos a disposición por (en adelante “DTCR”) a través del "Procesador de pagos" de DTCR en los sitios web de DTCR. Este pago garantizará la reserva del pasajero. El depósito será igual al monto de la "Tarifa de reserva" de DTCR. Por motivos fiscales, legales, de cumplimiento, de seguridad, de seguros, de licencias, de formación, de permisos, de contabilidad, de accidentes, de lesiones, de altercados o de daños (físicos, verbales, emocionales, psicológicos, materiales, personales o de otro tipo), de incumplimiento, de quejas, de disputas, de responsabilidad, de garantías, ya sean escritas o implícitas, y de todos los demás fines, ya sea que se indique o no en el presente documento, el papel de DTCR como comerciante registrado y sus deberes como proveedor de reservas se limitan únicamente al monto del depósito o importe de la tarifa de reserva cobrada al Pasajero y el Proceso de Reserva. DTCR no es ni será responsable de ninguna actividad, tarea, rendimiento, seguridad, seguro, expectativas, costos, tarifas o cualquier cosa declarada o no establecida en este documento que esté o pueda estar asociada con el Viaje. La función de DTCR se limita únicamente al proceso de reserva. 2.El Contratista confirma que entiende, reconoce y acepta el papel del Contratista como comerciante registrado para todos los demás fondos, costos, deberes y obligaciones relacionados con el Viaje. DTCR no es ni será responsable de ningún impuesto o tarifa, ya sea local, nacional o internacional o cualquier otro costo o deber u obligación financiera, incluidos, entre otros; informes, cumplimiento, aplicación o verificación asociados. DTCR no proporciona ni puede proporcionar asesoramiento financiero o legal, determinar el cumplimiento, predecir o estimar ninguna obligación financiera o legal, incluidas, entre otras; impuestos, permisos, licencias, seguros o cualquier otra obligación o requisito, ya sea conocido o desconocido por DTCR o el Contratista. Como Comerciante registrado, es responsabilidad exclusiva del Contratista buscar asesoramiento legal y/o financiero de un contador, profesional de impuestos, abogado o cualquier otro profesional o entidad adecuada, conocedor, certificado y aprobado, para garantizar que el Contratista comprenda completamente todos los impactos, obligaciones, costos, tarifas, impuestos y cualquier otro deber asociado con la ejecución del Viaje y para garantizar que el Contratista cumpla con todos los requisitos financieros, seguros, licencias, permisos, seguridad, capacitación y requisitos legales. 3.DTCR reserva, selecciona, confirma, reserva y despacha a un proveedor de servicios de transporte o Contratista independiente "Contratista" en Costa Rica para recoger al Pasajero en el momento y lugar proporcionados por el Pasajero para los servicios de transporte al destino proporcionados por el Pasajero. 4.DTCR notifica y ofrece el viaje al Contratista como un servicio de emparejamiento o reservas a través de mensajes de texto, mensajes de Whatsapp y / o correo electrónico. La hoja de tarifas más reciente del DTCR determina y muestra el monto que el Contratista recibe por el viaje, que es el saldo del costo total del viaje, menos el Depósito o el Cargo de Reserva cobrado previamente por DTCR. 5.Las notificaciones de actualización de la Hoja de Tarifas se envían por correo electrónico al correo electrónico más reciente proporcionado por el Contratista para este propósito, en caso de cualquier cambio, cambios, modificaciones o ajustes a la Hoja de Tarifas, será notificado dentro de una hora. La hoja de tarifas también está disponible para ver en el sitio web de DTCR en cualquier momento a través de un inicio de sesión privado. 6.El Contratista se reserva el derecho de rechazar cualquier viaje y el Contratista reconoce la aceptación o el rechazo del Viaje a través de un mensaje de texto, un mensaje de Whatsapp y/o un correo electrónico al número de contacto de despacho de DTCR o al correo electrónico proporcionado al Contratista. 7.En el momento de la aceptación del Viaje por parte del Contratista, el Contratista está sujeto a la "Política de No Show" de DTCR. Del mismo modo, una vez que el Pasajero reserva o reserva un viaje, el Pasajero está sujeto a la Política de No Show de DTCR. 8.El Contratista es responsable de cobrar el pago del pasajero en el momento de la recogida. El Contratista determina las formas de pago aceptables para el saldo adeudado por el Pasajero en el momento, o el Costo del Viaje, de la recogida, pero debe revelar la permisibilidad del formulario de pago al DTCR en el momento de registrarse en la página de inicio de sesión privada del DTCR. Es decir, si el Contratista elige limitar la permisibilidad de pago solo en efectivo, en función de dólares estadounidenses o colones costarricenses utilizando el tipo de cambio más actual, entonces la disponibilidad del Contratista en el sistema de reservas solo se mostrará como disponible para los Pasajeros que hayan preseleccionado la opción de pago en efectivo para pagar el saldo del Viaje en el momento de la recogida. El Contratista de ninguna manera está obligado a aceptar ninguna forma de pago o monto que no se haya establecido previamente y reconocido como aceptable para el Contratista para el Viaje. 9.Si el Contratista declara en el momento de la inscripción o a través de correspondencia escrita a DTCR a través de mensajes de texto, mensajes de Whatsapp y / o correo electrónico en cualquier momento después de la inscripción, el Contratista permite, reconoce y acepta otras formas de pago del Pasajero para el Viaje, ya sea tarjeta de crédito, PayPal, Zelle o servicios de transferencia de dinero similares, billeteras digitales o aplicaciones de pago, u otras formas de pago seguro en el momento de la recogida, el Contratista puede utilizar el procesador de pagos de DTCR si el Contratista no tiene la capacidad de ofrecer servicios de procesamiento de pagos. Si el Contratista elige utilizar el procesador de pagos de DTCR, el Contratista acepta el monto del Viaje de la tarjeta de crédito que se muestra en la hoja de tarifas de DTCR y los términos de pago de DTCR al Contratista. Para ser aprobado para acceder al procesador de pagos de DTCR, el Contratista debe confirmar en el momento del registro que tiene una cuenta de PayPal activa y válida para recibir fondos de la cuenta de PayPal de DTCR. El Contratista también reconoce, entiende y acepta que PayPal será el único método para transferir fondos de DTCR al Contratista. DTCR no transferirá ni estará obligado a transferir fondos al Contratista por ningún otro medio que no sea la transferencia de PayPal a PayPal. Además, el Contratista debe reconocer que ha leído y comprende los términos de pago de DTCR, los términos de PayPal y los términos de cualquier institución bancaria, institución financiera, procesador de pagos, billetera digital, servicio de transferencia de dinero, aplicación de efectivo o de otro modo que pueda estar involucrado con la transferencia de fondos o la cadena de custodia del Pasajero a DTCR y, en última instancia, al Contratista. La cuenta de PayPal de DTCR para este propósito es una cuenta de depósito en garantía. Las disputas de pago, ya sean reales o percibidas, ya sea debido a la cantidad de fondos recibidos o la duración del depósito y / o la disponibilidad de fondos, están sujetas a los términos de DTCR, PayPal y cualquier otro procesador de pagos, billetera digital, institución financiera o bancaria que pueda estar involucrada en el proceso de transferencia de fondos. El Contratista confirma que entiende y reconoce que gran parte de la transferencia de fondos, el procesamiento de pagos, las políticas bancarias y de instituciones financieras, los plazos, los costos, las tarifas, la disponibilidad de fondos y otras cuestiones, ya sea que se indiquen o no en este documento, están fuera del control de DTCR y además confirma y reconoce que el Contratista abordará diligentemente estos problemas de forma independiente y sin la ayuda de DTCR, salvo que el problema esté relacionado únicamente con DTCR y no involucre a terceros. El Contratista reconoce y acepta que el inicio de la transferencia de fondos solo se lleva a cabo después de la verificación de un Viaje exitoso y completo. 10.En caso de que el contratista incumpla con sus obligaciones contractuales, el pasajero tendrá derecho a solicitar el reintegro del costo del transporte. El transportista deberá reintegrar el costo al Contratante del transporte en un plazo máximo de 30 días naturales a partir de la fecha en que se haya presentado la solicitud de reintegro. El pasajero deberá presentar la solicitud de reintegro por escrito y adjuntar los documentos que acrediten el incumplimiento del transportista. 11.El Contratista y el vehículo deberán cumplir con las siguientes obligaciones: a)El Contratista deberá contar con la licencia de conducir correspondiente y estar en condiciones físicas y mentales óptimas para conducir. b)El Contratista deberá cumplir con las normas de tránsito y las leyes aplicables en el territorio nacional. c)El Contratista deberá transportar a los pasajeros de manera segura y eficiente. d)El Contratista deberá mantener el vehículo en buen estado de funcionamiento y realizar las reparaciones necesarias en caso de averías. e)El Contratista deberá llevar consigo los documentos necesarios para el transporte y presentarlos cuando se le soliciten. f)El Contratista deberá notificar al transportista cualquier evento de caso fortuito o fuerza mayor que impida el cumplimiento del contrato. g)El vehículo deberá contar con los permisos y autorizaciones necesarios para el transporte de pasajeros. h)El vehículo deberá contar con las condiciones de seguridad necesarias para el transporte de pasajeros. i)El vehículo deberá contar con los seguros necesarios para cubrir los riesgos inherentes al transporte. 12.El Contratista se compromete a no solicitar a los clientes del Contratante para que cambien de proveedor de transporte. SEGUNDA: LUGAR Y RECURSOS.- El CONTRATISTA manifiesta que pone a disposición de LA CONTRATANTE, su pericia y recursos. LA CONTRATANTE pone a disposición del CONTRATISTA las herramientas que le sean necesarias para alcanzar el nivel y estándares de trabajo que LA CONTRATANTE requiere. TERCERA: NATURALEZA.- Por la naturaleza profesional de sus funciones, el CONTRATISTA no está sujeto a las limitaciones de jornada ordinaria de trabajo, sino que su trabajo se regirá por lo anteriormente dispuesto y por la normativa comercial relativa al contrato de servicios, debiendo ejecutar su trabajo en las condiciones de tiempo que LA CONTRATANTE disponga y que resulten oportunos para un mejor desempeño, siendo necesario coordinar con antelación las fechas de prestación del servicio. CUARTA: PLAZO.- El plazo del presente contrato es por el tiempo indefinido. Si alguna de las partes quiere dar por terminado el presente contrato, deberá notificarle a la otra con un mes de antelación. Si existiera alguna obligación dineraria, será cancelada en este plazo bajo las condiciones de pago indicadas en la cláusula primera. QUINTA: DISCRECIÓN Y CONFIDENCIALIDAD.- El CONTRATISTA se obliga a guardar las más absoluta discreción y confidencialidad sobre los servicios que se le encomienden al amparo de este contrato, así como sobre la información que se le suministre por parte de LA CONTRATANTE o terceras personas, para la ejecución de sus servicios. En este sentido, el CONTRATISTA no revelará los datos o información de que disponga sin el consentimiento expreso de LA CONTRATANTE. SEXTA: CASO FORTUITO Y FUERZA MAYOR.- En caso de que se presente un evento de caso fortuito o fuerza mayor, ninguna de las partes será responsable por el incumplimiento de sus obligaciones contractuales en la medida en que la imposibilidad de cumplimiento se deba a un evento de caso fortuito o fuerza mayor. La parte que alegue caso fortuito o fuerza mayor deberá notificar a la otra parte la ocurrencia del evento y el momento en que el evento deje de imposibilitar el cumplimiento del contrato. La notificación deberá hacerse a la brevedad posible, pero nunca después de los 10 días hábiles siguientes a la fecha en que la parte en cuestión hubiese tenido conocimiento de los eventos descritos. La parte que alegue caso fortuito o fuerza mayor estará obligada en un periodo máximo de 30 días a evidenciar documentalmente que el evento le impidió o demoró cumplir con sus obligaciones contractuales en forma total o parcial, que no le fue posible evitar el caso fortuito o fuerza mayor por estar éste más allá de su control y que el mismo no se debió a su culpa o negligencia, y que hizo esfuerzos para evitar el evento de caso fortuito o fuerza mayor, mediante el ejercicio de la debida diligencia, incluyendo sin limitación el gasto de sumas de dinero atendiendo la magnitud del evento. SETIMA: TRIBUTOS Y CARGAS SOCIALES.- El CONTRATISTA se hace totalmente responsable del pago del impuesto de la renta, de las cotizaciones a la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social, la póliza de Riesgos de Trabajo, en los casos que apliquen. En este mismo acto, y por razón de su naturaleza, LA CONTRATANTE queda exonerada de toda responsabilidad en el pago de dichos tributos o cargas sociales. OCTAVA: RELACIÓN COMERCIAL.- Para los efectos de este Contrato, el CONTRATISTA será un profesional independiente de LA CONTRATANTE, y no un agente, empleado o socio de LA CONTRATANTE; y por ende, el CONTRATISTA será responsable por cualquier y todo servicio, seguro y cuota obrero patronal. NOVENA: NORMATIVA APLICABLE.- Ambas partes contratantes convienen en que lo no previsto en el presente contrato se regirá por las disposiciones del Código de Comercio de Costa Rica. DÉCIMA: SOLUCION DE CONFLICTOS.- En caso de diferencias, conflictos o disputas relacionadas con la ejecución, incumplimiento, interpretación o cualquier otro aspecto derivado del presente contrato, las partes, de conformidad con los artículos cuarenta y uno y cuarenta y tres de la Constitución Política de la República de Costa Rica, renuncian en este acto expresamente a la jurisdicción ordinaria y acuerdan resolver el conflicto conforme el siguiente procedimiento: a.Compromiso de mediación: Las partes acuerdan acudir en primera instancia al proceso de mediación establecido en la reglamentación del Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje del Colegio de Abogados, designándose como mediador unipersonal a quien por turno corresponde, de la lista que lleva la dirección de dicho Centro. b.Compromiso arbitral: En caso de que el asunto no sea resuelto en un máximo de dos audiencias de mediación de un máximo de dos horas cada una de ellas, o en caso de que no se verifiquen las sesiones de alguna de las partes, el asunto o controversia será resuelto mediante laudo definitivo e inapelable de conformidad con los Reglamentos de Conciliación y Arbitraje del Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje Colegio de Abogados, a cuyas normas las partes se someten en forma incondicional. Queda entendido que tanto la mediación como el arbitraje podrán ser solicitados por cualquiera de las partes del presente contrato. En caso de que en el momento en que deba resolverse el conflicto, el Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje del Colegio de Abogados no esté prestando los servicios anteriormente referidos, el conflicto se resolverá mediante un proceso arbitral que se tramitará de conformidad con las leyes de resolución alternativa de conflictos que se encuentran vigentes en la República de Costa Rica en el momento respectivo. En el proceso de resolución alternativa de conflicto correspondiente, se definirá a quien o quienes les corresponderá pagar los gastos y honorarios de dicho proceso y en qué proporción. DÉCIMA PRIMERA: NOTIFICACIONES.- Toda notificación relacionada con el presente contrato, deberá realizarse en las siguientes direcciones, para cada una de las partes contratantes. En caso de cambio de domicilio de alguna de las partes, el mismo deberá ser comunicado a la otra parte contratante con el fin de que surta efectos. Contratante: San José, Santa Ana, Fórum I, Edificio E, Primer Piso, Oficina REB Abogados. Contratista: La suministrada en el formulario de afiliación. Leído que fue el presente contrato, e impuestas las partes de su contenido y fuerza legal, lo firman mediante la página web indicada mediante la aceptación en modo clic wrap.

Acuerdo de Servicios de Influencers Este acuerdo de servicios de influencers (el "Acuerdo") es entre Drive Thru Costa Rica, LLC, una compañía de responsabilidad limitada de Wyoming (la "Compañía") e "Influencer", un individuo residente de Costa Rica y/o los Estados Unidos de América ("Influencer"). El Influencer está siendo contratado por la Compañía para realizar ciertas actividades promocionales y de marketing para la Compañía en relación con su marca de Reservas de Turismo y Transporte (la "Marca"). En consideración a lo anterior, las partes acuerdan lo siguiente: 1.Servicios. Durante el Periodo de Vigencia, el Influencer actuará como representante de la Empresa de forma no exclusiva para promocionar y respaldar la Marca a través de las redes sociales del Influencer y otros canales (los "Servicios"), como se establece más concretamente en la declaración de trabajo adjunta como Anexo A (la "SOW"). Durante el Plazo, el Influencer no realizará servicios de marketing para ninguna otra marca competidora sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de la Empresa. 2.Compensación. La Empresa pagará al Influencer una compensación por los Servicios tal y como se describe en la SOW. La Empresa no está obligada a pagar ninguna otra compensación al Influencer y no es responsable de ningún coste o gasto incurrido por el Influencer. 3.Directrices; Conformidad.El Influencer (1) hará solo aquellas declaraciones sobre la Compañía o la Marca que sean razonablemente aceptables para la Compañía, (2) no se reflejen negativamente en la Compañía o la Marca, y (3) cumplirá con los estándares y pautas de la Compañía con respecto a la Marca. El Influencer deberá cumplir con los requisitos de divulgación de la Comisión Federal de Comercio (FTC, por sus siglas en inglés) según lo requieran las circunstancias. 4.Propiedad intelectual; Uso. La Compañía puede volver a publicar, compartir y vincular publicaciones de redes sociales y otro contenido creado por el Influencer en relación con los Servicios (los "Entregables"). Por la presente, el Influencer da su consentimiento para dicho uso por parte de la Compañía. La Empresa también puede utilizar copias, reproducciones y extractos de dichos Entregables en su publicidad en línea o fuera de línea. Todos los materiales proporcionados al Influencer por la Empresa ("Propiedad de la Empresa") son propiedad de la Empresa. El Influencer puede utilizar dicha Propiedad de la Empresa únicamente para prestar los Servicios y crear los Entregables. En la medida en que cualquier propiedad intelectual del Influencer se incorpore en los Entregables, el Influencer otorga a la Compañía una licencia no exclusiva, irrevocable, transferible, sublicenciable, libre de regalías, pagada, mundial y perpetua para usar los Entregables en el curso ordinario de los negocios de la Compañía. En la medida en que cualquier propiedad intelectual de la Compañía se incorpore a los Entregables, la Compañía otorga al Influencer una licencia no exclusiva, irrevocable, intransferible, no sublicenciable, libre de regalías, pagada, mundial y perpetua para implementar los Entregables en la medida requerida en relación con los Servicios. Durante el Plazo y en todo momento posterior, el Influencer no utilizará los Entregables, incluidos los trabajos derivados de los Entregables, para reflejar negativamente a la Empresa o a la Marca. 4.1Información confidencial. (a)Información confidencial."Información confidencial" se refiere a toda la información técnica y no técnica, incluidas las patentes, los derechos de autor, los secretos comerciales y la información de propiedad, los conocimientos técnicos y los procesos relacionados con los productos y servicios actuales, futuros y propuestos de la Empresa, sus proveedores y clientes. La "Información Confidencial" también incluye la información de la Compañía relacionada con la investigación, el trabajo experimental, el desarrollo, los detalles y especificaciones de diseño, la ingeniería, la información financiera, los requisitos de adquisición, el cumplimiento, las listas de clientes, los pronósticos comerciales, las ventas y la comercialización y los planes e información de marketing. La "Información Confidencial" también incluye información confidencial de cualquier tercero que pueda revelar dicha información a la Compañía o al Influencer en el curso de los negocios de la Compañía. (b)Obligaciones de no divulgación y no uso. El Influencer utilizará la Información Confidencial únicamente para prestar los Servicios en beneficio de la Empresa y no revelará la Información Confidencial a ninguna persona. El Influencer tratará toda la Información Confidencial de la Empresa con el mismo grado de cuidado que el Influencer concede a la Información Confidencial del Influencer, y el Influencer utilizará al menos un cuidado razonable. El Influencer notificará inmediatamente a la Compañía de cualquier uso o divulgación no autorizada de la Información Confidencial que se le haya proporcionado. El Influencer ayudará razonablemente a la Compañía a remediar cualquier uso o divulgación no autorizados de la Información Confidencial. (c)Exclusiones de las obligaciones de no divulgación y no uso.Las obligaciones de la Sección 4.1(b) del Influencer con respecto a cualquier parte de la Información Confidencial no se aplicarán a ninguna información que: (1) sea de dominio público por causas ajenas al Influencer; (2) está legítimamente en posesión del Influencer libre de cualquier obligación de confidencialidad con cualquier persona; o (3) sea desarrollado por empleados o agentes del Influencer independientemente y sin referencia a ninguna Información Confidencial. El Influencer puede divulgar Información Confidencial en la medida en que lo exija la ley en respuesta a una orden válida de un tribunal u otro organismo gubernamental, o de otro modo según lo exija la ley, o según sea necesario para establecer los derechos de cualquiera de las partes en virtud de este Acuerdo. d)Divulgación de información de terceros. Una de las partes no comunicará ninguna información a la otra en violación de los derechos de propiedad de terceros. e)Divulgación de este Acuerdo.Una de las partes no revelará la existencia de la relación creada por este Acuerdo, o este Acuerdo, a ningún tercero, excepto abogados, contadores y otros asesores, sin el consentimiento por escrito de la otra parte. El Influencer puede revelar la naturaleza de la relación del Influencer con la Compañía a los clientes y posibles clientes de la Compañía según sea razonablemente necesario, sujeto al derecho de la Compañía a desaprobar divulgaciones futuras en cualquier momento. 4.2Devolución de los bienes de la empresa.Todos los materiales (incluidos documentos, acuerdos, dibujos, modelos, aparatos, bocetos, diseños y listas) proporcionados al Influencer por la Empresa, ya sean entregados al Influencer por la Empresa o realizados por el Influencer en la prestación de servicios en virtud de este Acuerdo ("Propiedad de la Empresa") son propiedad única y exclusiva de la Empresa o de sus proveedores o clientes, según sea el caso. El Influencer entregará de inmediato el original y cualquier copia de la Propiedad de la Compañía a la Compañía en cualquier momento a solicitud de la Compañía. Tras la rescisión de este Acuerdo por cualquiera de las partes por cualquier motivo, el Influencer entregará de inmediato a la Compañía o destruirá, a opción de la Compañía, el original y cualquier copia de la Propiedad de la Compañía. El Influencer certificará por escrito que ha devuelto o destruido toda la Propiedad de la Empresa. 5.Indemnización. El Influencer indemnizará a la Empresa y a sus funcionarios, directores, agentes, empleados y accionistas (colectivamente, los "Indemnizados de la Compañía") por todas las pérdidas y responsabilidades (incluidos los honorarios razonables de abogados) (colectivamente, "Reclamaciones") en las que pueda incurrir o sostener la Compañía que surjan o estén relacionadas con (1) un incumplimiento por parte del Influencer de este Acuerdo; (2) el incumplimiento de la ley aplicable por parte del Influencer; y (3) la negligencia o mala conducta intencional del Influencer, excepto en la medida en que esas Reclamaciones resulten de la negligencia o mala conducta intencional de un Indemnizado de la Compañía. 6.Término; Terminación. Este Acuerdo entra en vigor a partir de la Fecha de entrada en vigor y continuará hasta que el Influencer haya entregado, a satisfacción razonable de la Empresa, todos los Entregables descritos en la SOW (el "Plazo"). Cualquiera de las partes puede rescindir este Acuerdo con 10 días de anticipación por escrito después del incumplimiento material de este Acuerdo por parte de la otra parte. A la terminación de este Acuerdo, la Compañía pagará al Consultor cualquier monto adeudado al Consultor según lo requerido por el Anexo A. 7.Disposiciones adicionales. El Influencer no cederá este Acuerdo sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de la Empresa. Si algún término de este Acuerdo se considera inaplicable, la aplicabilidad de los términos restantes no se verá afectada. La renuncia por parte de una de las partes a un incumplimiento de este Acuerdo no operará ni se interpretará como una renuncia a cualquier otro incumplimiento. La relación del Influencer con la Compañía es la de un contratista independiente. Nada de lo dispuesto en este Acuerdo tiene la intención de crear una sociedad, agencia, empresa conjunta o relación laboral, ni se interpretará como tal. Este Acuerdo es el acuerdo completo entre las partes en relación con su objeto y reemplaza todos los acuerdos orales o escritos anteriores o contemporáneos con respecto a dicho tema. Este Acuerdo solo puede ser modificado por mutuo acuerdo de las partes por escrito. Las leyes de Wyoming rigen este Acuerdo. Por la presente, las partes consienten irrevocablemente en el recurso exclusivo del arbitraje ante un solo árbitro administrado por JAMS, que no sea con respecto a cualquier disputa por la cual se pueda otorgar una compensación equitativa a una de las partes. El arbitraje se llevará a cabo en Sheridan, Wyoming. En el caso de una disputa que surja de este Acuerdo entre las partes, la parte no ganadora reembolsará a la parte vencedora todos los honorarios y costos razonables de abogados incurridos por la parte vencedora en relación con dicha disputa. Anexo A Servicios El Influencer cooperará con la Compañía en la creación de imágenes y semejanzas, como videos, fotografías y declaraciones del Influencer adecuadas para el uso de la Compañía como activos de marketing, como en sitios web o plataformas de redes sociales. El Influencer cooperará con la Empresa para proporcionar información demográfica, nombre, edad y ubicación de la ciudad adecuados para el uso por parte de la Empresa en relación con los activos de marketing, como en sitios web o plataformas de redes sociales. El Influencer también prestará los siguientes servicios y proporcionará los siguientes Entregables, que comprenden los Servicios: Turismo y Transportes Reservas verificadas y adjuntas a través de los Códigos de Promoción proporcionados por el Influencer. Honorarios El Influencer prestará los Servicios sobre una base de tarifa fija. Tarifas de los Influencers por los Servicios. La estructura de tarifas se enviará al Influencer por correo electrónico en el documento de Horario de Trabajo "SOW". Drive Thru Costa Rica, LLC pagará al Influencer sobre la base de "Pagado si se paga" y "Pagar cuando se pague" y los fondos se enviarán a la cuenta de PayPal del Influencer. Los precios no incluyen ningún impuesto sobre las ventas, IVA o impuestos similares aplicables. El Influencer es responsable de sus impuestos sobre la renta, impuestos sobre las ventas, IVA o impuestos similares. Facturación La Compañía pagará la tarifa fija mediante el pago completo al finalizar. El Influencer enviará cualquier otra factura, como reembolsos o de otro tipo, mensualmente a mes vencido. Los pagos de las facturas vencen dentro de los 10 días posteriores a la fecha de la factura. Cargos en caso de rescisión La Empresa podrá rescindir los Servicios de conformidad con los términos de este Acuerdo, siempre que la Empresa pague el importe neto de los gastos pagados por adelantado pero no cancelables incurridos antes de la fecha de rescisión.

Influencer Services Agreement This influencer services agreement (the “Agreement”) is between Drive Thru Costa Rica, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company (the “Company”) and "Influencer", an individual resident of Costa Rica and/or The United States of America (“Influencer”). Influencer is being engaged by Company to perform certain promotional and marketing activities for Company in connection with its Tourism & Transportation Bookings brand (the “Brand”). In consideration of the foregoing, the parties agree as follows: 1.Services. During the Term, Influencer shall act as Company’s representative on non-exclusive basis to promote and endorse the Brand across Influencer’s social media and other channels (the “Services”), as more particularly set forth on the statement of work attached as Exhibit A (the “SOW”). During the Term, Influencer shall not undertake marketing services for any other competing brand without the prior written consent of Company. 2.Compensation. The Company shall pay Influencer compensation for the Services as described on the SOW. Company is not obligated to pay any other compensation to Influencer and is not responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Influencer. 3.Guidelines; Compliance.Influencer shall (1) make only those statements about Company or the Brand that are reasonably acceptable to Company, (2) do not reflect negatively on the Company or the Brand, and (3) abide by Company’s standards and guidelines regarding the Brand. Influencer shall comply with Federal Trade Commission disclosure requirements as may be required under the circumstances. 4.Intellectual Property; Usage. Company may repost, share, and link to social med postings and other content created by Influencer in connection with the Services (the “Deliverables”). Influencer hereby consents to such usage by Company. Company may also use copies, reproductions, and extracts of any such Deliverables in its online or offline advertising. All materials furnished to Influencer by the Company (“Company Property”) are the property of the Company. Influencer may use such Company Property solely to provide the Services and create the Deliverables. To the extent any intellectual property of Influencer is incorporated in the Deliverables, Influencer hereby grants to Company a non-exclusive, irrevocable, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free, paid-up, worldwide, and perpetual license to use the Deliverables in the ordinary course of Company's business. To the extent any intellectual property of Company is incorporated in the Deliverables, Company hereby grants to Influencer a non-exclusive, irrevocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, royalty-free, paid up, worldwide, and perpetual license to deploy the Deliverables to the extent required in connection with the Services. During the Term and at all times thereafter, Influencer shall not use the Deliverables, including derivative works of the Deliverables, to reflect negatively on the Company or the Brand. 4.1Confidential Information. (a)Confidential Information.“Confidential Information” means all technical and non- technical information including patent, copyright, trade secret, and proprietary information, know-how, and processes related to the current, future, and proposed products and services of the Company, its suppliers and customers. “Confidential Information” also includes the Company's information concerning research, experimental work, development, design details and specifications, engineering, financial information, procurement requirements, fulfillment, customer lists, business forecasts, sales and merchandising and marketing plans and information. “Confidential Information” also includes confidential information of any third party who may disclose such information to the Company or Influencer in the course of the Company’s business. (b)Nondisclosure and Nonuse Obligations. Influencer shall use the Confidential Information solely to perform the Services for the benefit of the Company and shall not disclose the Confidential Information to any person. Influencer shall treat all Confidential Information of the Company with the same degree of care as Influencer accords to Influencer’s own Confidential Information, and Influencer shall use at least reasonable care. Influencer shall immediately notify the Company of any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information that was provided to Influencer. Influencer shall reasonably assist the Company in remedying any such unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information. (c)Exclusions from Nondisclosure and Nonuse Obligations.The obligations unde Section 4.1(b) of Influencer with respect to any portion of Confidential Information will not apply to any information that: (1) is in the public domain through no fault of Influencer; (2) is rightfully in Influencer’s possession free of any obligation of confidence to any person; or (3) is developed by employees or agents of Influencer independently of and without reference to any Confidential Information. Influencer may disclose Confidential Information to the extent required by law in response to a valid order by a court or other governmental body, or otherwise as required by law, or as necessary to establish the rights of either party under this Agreement. (d)Disclosure of Third-Party Information. A party shall not communicate any information to the other in violation of the proprietary rights of any third party. (e)Disclosure of This Agreement.A party shall not disclose the existence of the relationship created by this Agreement, or this Agreement, to any third party, except attorneys, accountants, and other advisors, without the written consent of the other party. Influencer may disclose the nature of Influencer’s relationship to the Company to customers and prospective customers of the Company as reasonably required, subject to the right of the Company to disapprove future disclosures at any time. 4.2Return of Company Property.All materials (including documents, agreements, drawings, models, apparatus, sketches, designs, and lists) furnished to Influencer by the Company, whether delivered to Influencer by the Company or made by Influencer in the performance of services under this Agreement (“Company Property”) are the sole and exclusive property of the Company or its suppliers or customers, as the case may be. Influencer shall promptly deliver the original and any copies of Company Property to the Company at any time upon the Company’s request. Upon termination of this Agreement by either party for any reason, Influencer shall promptly deliver to the Company or destroy, at the Company’s option, the original and any copies of Company Property. Influencer shall certify in writing that Influencer has so returned or destroyed all such Company Property. 5.Indemnification. Influencer shall indemnify Company and its officers, directors agents, employees, and equity holders (collectively, the “Company Indemnitees”) against all losses and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) (collectively “Claims”) that may be incurred or sustained by Company arising out of or related to (1) a breach by Influencer of this Agreement; (2) Influencer’s breach of applicable law; and (3) Influencer’s negligence or intentional misconduct except to the extent those Claims result from the negligence or intentional misconduct of a Company Indemnitee. 6.Term; Termination. This Agreement is effective as of the Effective Date and will continue until Influencer has delivered, to Company’s reasonable satisfaction, all of the Deliverables described in the SOW (the “Term”). Either party may terminate this Agreement on 10 days' prior written notice following the other party’s material breach of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Company shall pay Consultant any amounts owed to Consultant as required by Exhibit A. 7.Additional Provisions. Influencer shall not assign this Agreement without the Company’s prior written consent. If any term of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, enforceability of the remaining terms will not be affected. The waiver by a party of a breach of this Agreement will not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other breach. Influencer’s relationship with Company is that of an independent contractor. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to, or will be construed to, create a partnership, agency, joint venture, or employment relationship. This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties relating to its subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements concerning such subject matter. This Agreement may only be changed by mutual agreement of the parties in writing. The laws of Wyoming govern this Agreement. The parties hereby irrevocably consent to the exclusive remedy of arbitration before a single arbitrator administered by JAMS, other than with respect to any dispute for which equitable relief may be awarded to a party. The arbitration shall be conducted in Sheridan, Wyoming. In the event of a dispute arising out of this Agreement between the parties, the non-prevailing party shall reimburse the prevailing party all reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by the prevailing party in connection with such dispute. Exhibit A Services Influencer shall cooperate with Company in creating images and likenesses, such as video, pictures, and statements of Influencer suitable for the use by Company as marketing assets, such as on websites or social media platforms. Influencer shall cooperate with Company to provide demographic information, name, age, and city location suitable for the use by Company in connection with marketing assets, such as on websites or social media platforms. Influencer shall also perform the following services and provide the following Deliverables, which comprise the Services: Tourism and Transportations Bookings verified and attached through the Influencer's provided Promotion Code(s). Fees Influencer will perform the Services on a fixed-fee basis. Influencer's fees for the Services. Fee structure will be sent to Influencer via email in the Schedule of Work "SOW" document. Influencer will be paid on a “Paid-if-Paid” and “Pay-when-Paid” basis by Drive Thru Costa Rica, LLC and funds will be sent to Influencer's PayPal account. Pricing does not include any applicable sales taxes, VAT or similar taxes. The Influencer is responsible for their income taxes, sales taxes, VAT or similar taxes. Billing Company shall pay the fixed fee by full payment upon completion. Influencer shall send any other invoices, such as for reimbursements or otherwise, monthly in arrears. Payments on invoices are due within 10 days after the date of the invoice. Fees Upon Termination Company may terminate the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, provided that Company shall pay the net amount of any prepaid but non-cancelable expenses incurred before the termination date.

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